The Working Poor Suffering to Survive

The three poorest places in the United States are found in one state. The state of Ohio, the “Buckeye:” state, on of the seven most populated state in the U.S. This state known for its sports teams and a array of Presidents now struggles to be able to keep its residence from living on the streets.
According to the U.S. Department of Labor. In 2000, 31 million people, or 11.3 percent of the population lived at or below the official poverty level-1.1 million fewer than in 1999. While the bulk of these individuals were children and adults who did not participate in the labor force, about 6.4 million were classified as the “working poor.” This was 445,000 fewer than in 1999, continuing a 7-year downtrend. As defined for this report, the working poor are individuals who spent at least 27 weeks in the labor force (working or looking for work), but whose incomes fell below the official poverty level. Of all persons in the labor force for at least 27 weeks, 4.7 percent were classified as working poor in 2000, down 0.4 percentage point from the previous year.
Not only are people struggling to maintain housing and feed their children, but health care is another big issue. Most do not have enough money to send their children to the doctors, let alone afford to take a day off to do so. Although anyone can walk into a emergency room and receive treatment, not everyone can afford the preventative doctor trips that would of saved them from having to reach such a place or emergency. People are dying because of fear of not being able to feed themselves for the cost of a simple antibiotic.
People should not have to struggle and suffer because of the governments inability to realize that they need assistance, or higher pay.
There needs to be some kind of thing people can do. Health care needs to be easier for the working poor. Free clinics are under staffed and turn away majority of their patients due to lack of staff and funds.
Assistant should be given to families with children. Children should not be able to suffer and struggle and be put in adult situations because minimum wage isn’t enough. The minimum amount of money to have to get assistant needs to go up.
In conclusion something needs to be done before the number becomes too overwhelming where nothing can be done. People shouldn’t have to starve or die because minimum wage is not paying the bills.