The Works Cleaners – They Work!

One of the least expensive cleaners in my area, often found at the Dollar Store, is called The Works. I tried it when a friend told me that it worked really well and I’ve been using it for ten years now. Sure, I use other products for floors and walls, but when it comes to cleaning the shower, tub, toilet and sink, nothing works like The Works.

I was in utter amazement when I first used The Works. I thought my bathroom was really clean until I squirted The Works tub cleaner onto my tub. The instructions said to allow the cleaner to sit for five minutes before wiping away. I did that. When I wiped it away, I almost fell over when I saw brilliant white stripes all over my tub.

Instead of sponging the liquid all around the tub, I had mistakenly just squirted it around, here and there, and planned to come back and scrub the tub. Since I didn’t sponge it, a white stripe appeared in my off-white tub, in every place that the liquid had run downward. I was dumbstruck.

When I moved here the tub was off-white from the factory, but I couldn’t believe how dull and dark it had become over the years. After using The Works I had a new attitude about tub cleaning! Needless to say, I reapplied the solution and sponged it around, left it sit for five minutes, then wiped it away to find a shining off-white tub.

The Works makes Toilet Bowl Cleaner, Kitchen Cabinet Cleaner, and Basin, Tub and Tile solutions that will impress even the tidiest person. I think the odor from the formula is a little strong, but I’ll trade that little inconvenience for the working power of The Works. Open the window, plug in a fan if you wish, but try this cleaner if it’s available in your area.

When I first started using The Works products they came in a squirt bottle with a flip-up spout which wasn’t too convenient (remember, it caused the stripes). Now they have formulas which are available in squirt and spray bottles that are much easier to use and cover larger areas without as much sponging.

Use rubber gloves when using The Works Cleaners because the formula is very strong. If you can locate the cleaner in dollar-theme stores, that’s great. If not, check your local department stores for a selection of their products. You’ll be very impressed.

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