The World Famous St. Louis Zoo

There are many things that set Saint Louis, Missouri apart – one of the more popular attractions being The Gateway Arch. However, there is another attraction that doesn’t obtain the amount of limelight that the Arch contains, but is equally as enchanting – The Saint Louis Zoo. Probably one of the more amazing qualities this zoo has is the admission price – nothing. That’s right, this world-class zoo is free of charge for admission.

The zoo first originated with the realization Saint Louis came to at the Louisiana Purchase Exposition in 1904. They began the process of organizing and establishing a zoological park. It wasn’t until 1910 the St. Louis Zoological Society was formed due to the amazing success the “zoo” had with the creation of a giant elliptical birdcage (which is still in operation today in all of its grandeur). With the pride St. Louis natives gained from the construction of this giant birdcage, the city of St. Louis set apart 77 acres of prime land in Forest Park for a zoo and named a Zoological Board of Control in 1913. It was with this formulation both of persons and of land that the stage legislation declared, “the zoo shall forever be free,” which to this day those words still stand.

Now Forest Park is a thriving community of the zoo, art museum, science center, and The Muny (the nations largest outdoor musical theater – an amazing experience all in itself). There is free parking available as well as pay parking. Parking on the zoo’s two lots runs for $9.00 per day. As stated, there is limited free street parking around the perimeter of the Zoo. Have an RV, bus, or motorhome? Than you are welcome to park on the South lot only (Wells Drive) for $18.00 per day.

Once you have situated yourself a parking spot (either free – yay! – or pay), you begin the walk into the entrance of the zoo. As you approach you will see a giant sculpture, which is only a preview of what is to come for you, the guest. Once entering in the main entrance, your eyes are immediately drawn upward as you see a rendition of a Giant Squid dangling above your head. In this building you will find restrooms, an Evolution exhibit (with a talking Darwin animatronic), along with gift shops, and other miscellaneous attractions.

After you make your way through the main building, you leave through automatic double doors and actually enter the zoo. From here eager hands grab at maps of the zoo, and you begin to figure out which exhibit you shall view first. The Saint Louis Zoo boasts of over 9,200 animals (currently). Although this number does not include the 120,000 leaf cutter ants and the 1,700 partula snails; the zoo has more than 800 species of animals for your enjoyment. The zoo is intelligently designed into six various sections, each containing a wide array of animals.

The first of these sections being “The River’s Edge.” It is in this section of the zoo you will be able to “walk on the wild side” by viewing such exquisite animals such as elephants, cheetahs, and hyenas. This was Saint Louis’s first “immersion exhibit”, which means that guests are literally immersed into the world of the various animals that are on display. In this ten-acre exhibit, you are literally yards away from rhinos stomping around, and you are able to come face-to-face with hippopotamus’s – you are only separated by a sheet of glass, in which you are “submerged” with the animals. The River’s Edge is separated into six “bends.” These “bends” are: [1] South America, in which you will see bush dogs, capybara, and giant anteaters. [2] Africa Safari, in which you will observe Black Rhinos, and a carmine bee-eater. [3] Africa Nile, in this bend you will view hippos, hyenas, cheetahs, and mongooses. [4] Asia, here you will see Asian Elephants – including Raja, the zoos only white elephant. [5] North America, in this exhibit there are very familiar showcases – Missouri wetland and the Missouri River aquarium. [6] And lastly, River’s Edge Pictures – see photos of the animals located within The River’s Edge Exhibit.

The Second Exhibit is the wonderful, “The Wild”. Here you will see various animals and exhibits ranging from the polar ice caps to tropical rainforests. You will be able to have a close encounter with penguins, bears, and great apes. The naturalized state of the exhibit showcase the animals as they would be found in their natural habitat. Once you walk through “The Wild,” you start with the oldest exhibit “Bear Bluffs” and then continue to the newest exhibit (2005) “Fragile Forest”. This exhibit is separated into six sub-categories: [1] Bear Bluffs, the oldest of the exhibits, you observe spectacled, grizzly, black and polar bears. [2] Penguin & Puffin Coast, this is by far the zoos most popular exhibit. Come within arms reach of these adorable animals as you enter the climate controlled “building”. Definitely the exhibit to visit (over and over again) on a hot summers day. [3] Jungle of the Apes, here you will be able to take a glimpse into the lives of orangutans, chimpanzees, and gorillas. [4] Fragile Forest, the parks newest edition, showcases the same species of animals as “Jungle of the Apes.” [5] Conservation Carousel, in which you will choose from over 64 colorful, wooden animals. [6] The Wild Pictures, showcases pictures of animals exhibited in “The Wild”.

The Third exhibit is “The Discovery Center”, it is here that guests will find a more hands-on and interactive exhibit. There are pet friendly bunnies and goats, one will see butterfly’s taking flight around them, and there is only one rule that is applicable in this exhibit: “learning is fun.”

The Fourth exhibit is “Historic Hill,” on this wonderful hill guests will take a relaxing stroll through architecture that mirrors that of the 1920s. Here are exhibits of primates, birds, and reptiles (an amazing exhibit). The Fifth exhibit is “Red Rocks”, here you will stumble across lions, tigers, and all other big “cats” that are found in the animal kingdom. You will also find zebras, giraffes and antelopes in their natural settings. And lastly is the Sixth exhibit, “Lakeside Crossing”. Here you will find everything that is needed to top-off your visit to the zoo – filled with establishments serving refreshments and souvenirs.

The Saint Louis zoo continues to serve St. Louis’s native and its visitors by offering first-class exhibits, which are constantly growing and gaining new animals. Known as one of the nations top zoos, it lives up to its expectations by providing free admission, ample parking, and an experience with natures gifts – the animals.


The Saint Louis Zoo

In St. Louis: (314) 781-0900

Toll-free: (800) 966-8877

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