The World Without Disabled People

Give this some thought… what would the world be like if everyone aborted there babies, as soon as they found out there may be disabilities? Would we even have a telephone? Or the famous Mickey Mouse? How about airplanes? I keep asking myself..What if Beethovan’s mom was somehow able to find out that he was going to be deaf and decided to abort him ? Or Albert Einstein’s mom said..” Well, he will never learn anything and so will be a drain on society as a whole” and decided to abort him? I thought I would add a list of famous people who had some sort of disability. The second list is composed of people who have learning disabilities.. Leaders Helen Keller 1 Helen Keller 2 Louis Braille 1 Louis Braille 2 – created writing system for blind people Franklin D. Roosevelt – president FDR & Polio Ron Kovic – activist for peace Artists & Writers Chuck Close – artist John Milton – blind poet John Milton 2 Actors & TV Journalists Christopher Reeve – actor Marlee Matlin – actress John Hockenberry – journalist John Stossel – journalist Bree Walker – TV anchorwoman Bree Walker 2 Musicians Beethoven – composer Stevie Wonder – composer & musician Ray Charles – musician Jose Feliciano – musician Itzhak Perlman – violinist Itzhak Perlman 2 Thomas Quasthoff – opera singer Thomas Quasthoff 2 Athletes Chicago Wheelchair Bulls William Hoy – baseball player Jim Abbott – baseball player Tom Dempsey 1- football player Tom Dempsey 2 Kent Waldrep – paraplegic ex-football player Kent Waldrep 2 Loretta Claiborne – Special Olympics athlete Loretta Claiborne 2 Wilma Rudolph – Olympic athlete Scientists Thomas Alva Edison – inventor Steven Hawking 1 Steven Hawking 2 – physicist Gustav Robert Kirchhoff – physicist People with learning disabilities. Albert Einstein Galileo Mozart Wright Brothers Leonardo da Vinci Cher Bruce Jenner Tom Cruise Charles Schwab Henry Winkler Danny Glover Walt Disney John Lennon Greg Louganis Winston Churchill Henry Ford Stephen Hawkings Jules Verne Alexander Graham Bell Woodrow Wilson Hans Christian Anderson Nelson Rockefeller Thomas Edison Gen. George Patton Agatha Christie John F. Kennedy Whoopi Goldberg Rodin Thomas Thoreau David H. Murdock Dustin Hoffman Pete Rose Russell White Jason Kidd Russell Varian Robin Williams Louis Pasteur Werner von Braun Dwight D. Eisenhower Robert Kennedy Luci Baines Johnson Nugent George Bush’s children Prince Charles Gen. Westmoreland Eddie Rickenbacker Gregory Boyington Harry Belafonte F. Scott Fitzgerald Mariel Hemingway Steve McQueen George C. Scott Tom Smothers Suzanne Somers Lindsay Wagner George Bernard Shaw Beethoven Carl Lewis Jackie Stewart “Magic” Johnson Weyerhauser family Wrigley John Corcoran Sylvester Stallone

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