The World is Heating Up

Its important to remember that a lot of countries that may not be used to intense summers are starting to enjoy them. The problem is many of these countries are not prepared for these conditions. Air Conditioning is often not commonplace and people are not fully aware of the dangers of the heat. The most important thing to remember is that people have died from heat stroke so it has to be taken seriously. Its also a good idea to not spend long periods outside in the heat of the day and do not engage in vigorous exercise during this period. Although the elderly and sick are most at risk all people should be cautious. Also try to limit alcohol consumption as this will do little to rehydrate the body. Drink plenty of fluids and stick to fruit juices and pure drinks and limit consumption of soda.
Overall its great to enjoy the hot weather by taking advantage of swimming pools and other outside activities. Remember the dangers of the sun and make sure you use sun protection and try and limit exposure to sunlight. Engaging in sports in the heat of the day is not generally a good idea, but if you do so limit the duration and drink plenty of fluids. Remember that sun stroke can be very serious and if you experience a high fever seek immediate medical attention. Also remember to limit alcohol and soda and drink plenty of water and juices.