The Yeast Connection: The Best Book for Understanding and Living with Candida

Since 1983, The Yeast Connection by William G. Crook, M.D. has been the authority on understanding and living with Candida (an overgrowth of the bacteria Candida albicans often caused by prolonged exposure to antibiotics and birth control medication). Because Candida is naturally found in the human body, it is difficult to diagnose the overgrowth. This is why having The Yeast Connection is so important because it gives detailed explanations of symptoms and questionnaires that help you to know what to look for and how to approach your doctor if you suspect that you have Candida.

The book is written in a simple style and includes easy-to-follow illustrations that even a twelve year old could understand. While certain parts of the book have long lists of case studies-primarily for the benefit of doctors-you can still gain a lot of information without needing to know medical jargon.

One of the best features of this book is the description of how diet affects Candida. Crook gives long lists of foods and beverages which multiply Candida-and there are a lot. For example, people with Candida need to stay away from alcohol, malt vinegar, pasta, dried foods, and bread. So many foods aggravate the condition that it is so helpful to have the chapters in this book which give detailed lists of foods to avoid and foods which can minimize bacteria.

In addition to the food lists, The Yeast Connection also includes recipes and meal plans. This is helpful because there are so many foods which you are not supposed to eat. Having the diagrams and recipes minimizes confusion and makes it easier to shop for groceries.

Another great feature of The Yeast Connection is that it shows you how Candida is connected to and can sometimes cause other diseases. For example, many people with chronic fatigue syndrome, depression, sexual dysfunction, and pre-menstrual problems also have Candida. Crook gives several case study examples of how people cured or alleviated these conditions through Candida treatment. As the cover of the book says, “If you feel sick all over, this book could change your life.” It’s true because so many people have the symptoms of Candida without knowing that they have the illness.

I love the quirky diagrams, symptom charts, food lists, recipes, and case studies in this book. It makes curing or living with Candida so much easier. If you have been suffering from fatigue, memory loss, depression, athlete’s foot or fungal infections, yeast infections or urinary problems, check out this book. You may just find the solution you’ve been looking for!

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