There Are Lots of Fun Things for Children

Anchor of Hope Church of God wants to invite all children for Vacation Bible School on Monday August 7th through Friday August 11th.
Starting time is 10am till noon everyday during this week.
The theme is Africa and all financial donations will go to the African Missions.
We ask that if possible bring with each child a can good for the food pantry to help the needy and unfortunate in our community as a part of the local outreach.
Anchor of Hope church of God is located at 215 Second Avenue in Waverly, Ohio you will see the church that sits up high. Your children will learn songs and Bible verses each day.
There’s plenty of supervision performed at all time so the children is in a very safe environment.
Anchor of Hope Church of God has services every Sunday morning starting at 9:30am for Sunday school then 10:30am is the Worship service. Sunday evening at 6pm start the Praise and Worship service.
Wednesday evening at 7pm is mid-week service and we invite you to come with us together to Praise and Worship as the congregation together to give God Glory for all He has done. Praying for one another and holding up this nation before the Lord.
If you are new to our fine community or have been here all you life we invite you as friends to our House of Worship.
Pastor Stewart and his wife are very rounded individuals that love the Lord, their family, and this community. They want to be the man and woman God has called them to be as the Pastor’s and leaders God has called them to be. You are invited to join us in learning about whom God is and what He has called us to be as the people of God. Learning together to be the strong and not the weak, to be joyful and of good courage, the faithful, and loving people God has meant for us to be.
As the Pastor of Anchor of Hope Church of God, Pastor Stewart is helping us to live as leaders that are outstanding and above reproach before our co-workers, family, friends, and fellow citizens.
Everyone has the potential to be the man and woman God has called them to be. You may join us and we can learn who you are as you learn about us as well. Open hearts and minds willing to learn about the Gospel of Jesus Christ love for His people and the truth why we are called and set aside to worship Him daily.
There is no reason to be afraid to tell the world that Jesus is the Savior of the world and He also heals those that are in His kingdom. Sometimes it seems we are not able to receive God’s message of His dear Son and the price He paid for us. The price Jesus paid is far above what our finite minds can comprehend, but He paid it and we can receive it in full measure.
As you join the teaching and fellowship you will know the power of God’s love for you.
Anchor of Hope Church of God reaches out to the hurting people when they can. If you are struggling with loss of a loved one, hurt is so deep you can not express, a child in rebellion, whatever the need you can find the answer in the Bible and a friend in the Lord and His people at Anchor of Hope Church of God.
The Lord’s arm is not too short where He can not touch you in that need. His love is not weak from any standard; He is the answer when you can not find the answer in human beings. There is only one person that can reach the soul and touch the spirit of mankind. He feels your every weakness and He hears your hearts cry. He is always closer that the mention of His name.
Anchor of Hope Church of God will be glad to help you learn how to reach out and touch the Lord in ways you never deemed possible. The Pastor and his wife have the love flowing out their hearts and souls to every person that enters the church doors.
I just read in an e-mail how one man had a chair by his bed and talked to Jesus, as he imagined Jesus sitting beside him in that chair. One day he found that was the best way for him to talk to the Lord in prayer by a friend he knew. So he did that all his life from there on even when he no longer could get out of bed.
The day he left this earth, his daughter came into the room and found her father’s head upon the chair seat where he placed it in the lap of the Lord Jesus and went on to be with the Lord for eternity. Now that is the way to go, in the Lap of the Lord and the hands touching you as you move from this life to the next.
Jesus is your comforter, healer, redeemer, lover of your soul, father, brother, protector; peace, joy, any and all things and He will never leave you or forsake you.
Come and learn more about whom the Lord is and how He can touch your need at Anchor of Hope Church of God. We will have a place for you any and all times.