Things You Might Forget When Preparing for Thanksgiving

Whether you’re having a crowd of family and friends over, or it’s only two of you sitting down for Thanksgiving Dinner, there are a few things every cook needs to remember to do ahead of time for Thanksgiving.

  • Clean The Refrigerator I hate doing this job, but believe me, it’s worth the effort! You’ll need room to store all the extra dishes of food and desserts, and leftovers when the dinner is through. Nothing is quite so embarrassing as when a guest opens your ‘frig, and you have old take-out cartons, growing colorful mold, hogging all the room. Clean that refrigerator! You’ll be happy you did.
  • Check Your Spice Rack Did you know spices don’t last forever? If you want your food to taste remarkable, check your spice rack. Make a list of the spices you’ll need for your cooking and baking, and check to see when they were last bought. Ground spices, like cinnamon, need to be used and replaced every year. Whole spices, like bay leaf, should be replaced every two years. Keeping your spices fresh allows for all the wonderful flavors and aromas of the season to burst through in your cooking.
  • Clean Out Your Cabinets Your mother-in-law has come to dinner, and you’re all stressed out over making a good impression. She offers to give you a hand, opens the cabinet, and an opened box of spaghetti falls out, all over her new blouse. Clean out those cupboards and cabinets ahead of time, and you’ll have room for the extra food you’re going to need for the day. Plus, you’ll have a list of what you need to buy in order to prepare that delicious meal.
  • Check to Make Sure You Have All Your Utensils – You’re ready to eat, the turkey smells divine, the pies are perfect, and the green bean casserole looks like a picture from The Food Network. But you have nothing to serve the food with! Now you have hunt all over the kitchen, including the “junk drawer” to find enough large spoons and carving knives to serve your guests, while your mother-in-law gives her son that “I told you so” look. Take the time to locate, clean and polish your utensils. Your dinner will go so much more smoothly.

Thanksgiving is a special time to spend with family and friends. A little advance prep will allow you to enjoy the day.

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