Things You Should Check Before Firing Up the Furnace

1. Check the filter
If it is dirty replace it. Running the furnace with a dirty filter can lower its performance. It uses more energy and diminishes air output.
2. Remove fire hazards
Remove objects placed near or against the furnace. The outside of the furnace can get hot so it is best to remove clutter away.
3. Clean inside of unit – Get rid of dust and debris.
Use a vacuum to clear away any excess dirt. This may uncover a potential problem like cracks, loose, or missing parts.
4. Check the vents – Can you see them?
If you can’t see them, remove the item from in front or on top of the vent. The object will absorb the heat instead of it flowing freely into the space.
5. Make sure the thermostat is working – Turn the furnace on
Test the settings to make sure the system is working properly. A broken furnace on a cold day is not fun to deal with. To reduce heating cost you may want to program your thermostat so that your furnace runs less when you do not need it to, at times when you are away or at night.
6. Call a professional technician – Get a full furnace check-up.
If you feel daunted by checking the furnace yourself this is a good way to have piece of mind. A professional technician will know what to look for and solve any problems your furnace might have. If it is a major problem you might want to invest in a new furnace. A new furnace will be more efficient than an older model and will save you more money over the years.
Giving your furnace an annual check-up whether you do it yourself or have a professional come check it out will keep you happy. It will save you money in the long run and your furnace will keep you warm for many years to come.