Things in LIfe that Are Free

So many people concentrate on making more money that they fail to realize that money is going out of style. Honestly. We are becoming a society involved in free exchange. The fact is why spend money for something when someone is offering it for free? For one, you incur no debt or obligation, and there are no contracts to sign. It’s free! Don’t believe me? I started a list of things I am noticing that are becoming free. At the end of this article, you will see the biggest secret I know to getting something for free. What are your tips?


Didn’t Tim Berners-Lee create a total free zone with his invention of the Internet? Did he get paid for it? Heck, no! He didn’t even want to patent it. That would have meant that one person had control of it and he understood that this was to be about free exchange, not money and typical commerce. And in case you suggest that an Internet provider costs money, I will point you to the nearest library that usually has plenty of terminals free for anybody’s use just by presenting a library card. Totally free.

Skype Phone Service

I’m sure we all have numerous stories of cell phone bills that were outrageous. Why? Simply because the fine print in a contract binds you to pay outrageous fees unless you’re some kind of mind-blowing psychic that speaks legalese to boot! The best phone contract, in my opinion, is NO PHONE CONTRACT. And yes, I do believe the service should be FREE! And Skype seems to agree with me. At, they think the world should talk for free too. If you already own a pc with sound capabilities all you have to do is sign-up and use their software, which is free. If you want to use it with a phone, yes, you do have to buy a phone, but Ebay has some simple ones for very cheap!

Free Employment Services

When you’re looking for a job and money is tight, that’s when knowledge of freebies really comes in handy. Why pay for a newspaper subscription? The local libraries carry not only the local papers but also other major metropolitan areas too. The nice thing about canceling your subscription is that the paper is always available and not lying around the house making a big mess.

Job boards for posting resumes are free too. is the biggest job board. But, don’t forget local websites and community boards like too.

Free College Money is a handy way to save for college tuition. Granted, it may not be a lot but it’s definitely free. The amount you get is determined by whether you do some rather large things in your future, like buying or selling a house. If you are in that situation, why not take advantage and save a couple of buck for your kid’s tuition?

The Biggest Secret To Getting Free Things

Ask. It’s as simple as that. Will you throw in this if I get that? Next to asking, is giving. If you really believe that everything should be free, than why are you holding on to your own possessions so tightly? The culture doesn’t change until the individual does. That’s why I love craigslist. It provides the venue for people to become very creative giving and asking for free things. One man’s trash is another man’s treasure and you may find that by releasing your trash you find your treasure. I have posted old books when I wanted plants and gotten so many responses, I had to turn them down once I had my full set of household plants – for free! Once you start changing your own mindset that everything has a price and you must pay that price you’ll begin to realize some really astounding miracles of free money.

For myself, I have gotten plants, jewelry, money, food, household items, clothes, artwork and many, many other items for free. I have had people offer me a $100 dollars “just because” and it’s important we take these offers in full appreciation. It affirms our beliefs that giving and receiving is free, does not require a contract nor a payback.

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