Thomas Edison’s World of Electricity

Imagine a world without electricty. Shops would be closed after the sun went down and streets would be dark. Homes would have little or no lighting, making it hard to read books or play games. Sports events like baseball or basketball could not be played at night. Towns would not be safe from criminals.

Before Thomas Edison’s invention of the lightbulb, people used candles or gas powered lamps which could only light small areas for short periods of time. Gas lights could also be very dangerous in the home as the smoke from the burning gas damaged walls and curtains. There was also the danger of a fire. If some gas in the lamp didn’t burn, poisonous fumes would be released.

When Edison invented the light bulb, it brought rapid change in people’s lifestyles. All these things we could not do withour electricity. Edison invented the light bulb because he thought that people needed a better light source. Not only was the light bulb useful, but it was affordable so that most people could buy it.

Edison also set up companies to bring electricty to France, Italy, Holland, Belgium, and England. Not only did Edison invent the light bulb but he also invented the Kinescope which was the first means of recording sounds onto records. Before the phonograph people had to travel to gear famous musicians play. With the phonograph, musiciains could put thier music into mass production.

The Kinescope was the first machine that could record and show movies. Edison also improved on other people’s inventions by inventing a better transmimtter to hear people’s voices over long distances. The light bulb along with the Kinescope, phongraph and many other inventions changed people’s lives.

Edison put a lot of time, effort and money into his inventions and forever changed the world that we know today.

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