Thoughts On Arena Bowl, Nude Biking, Broadway and David Cassidy

I appear to be too scattered these days to come up with one cohesive column. Too much going on and none of it inspiring enough to constitute a whole column. So, here are some random thoughts about things going on around the world, and in Chicago.


The Chicago Rush Arena Football team won the championship in Arena Bowl XX yesterday. I really want to be able to make fun of that, but I have to admit, I kind of like Arena Football and it’s just cool to have a champion of anything in any sport in this town. Plus, Mike Ditka has some partial ownership of the team so twenty years after the Bears won their whole thing he gets to be part of another championship team. It’s kind of cool, I guess.

I wonder if there will be a parade? Will anyone go? Do Arena football players get rings? Will the super-fans show up for the rally?

Chicago is making a bid to get the 2016 Summer Olympics. Sounds cool until you realize was a colossal pain in the ass that is going to be. Traffic in this town is bad enough on a regular day, now imagine a billion additional people in town. This does not even take into account all of the construction that will have to happen before the games can even begin.

One proposal is to build something called a “collapsible” stadium between Solider Field and McCormick Place convention center. Some kind of stadium that could be built and then, after the games, torn down and the pieces sold off. I have no idea who would buy them or what they would do with them. “Hey, honey, look what I bought today. Won’t it look great in the living room?”

Another proposal is to build additional, but temporary, seating at Soldier Field. These seats would then be removed once the games were over. Somehow all of this temporary stuff just seems too risky. What happens if the collapsible stadium collapses a bit too early?

A bunch of people all around the world, including here in Chicago, rode their bicycles naked. Apparently this was some kind of protest against the world’s dependency on oil.

Couple of questions come to mind. I have ridden a bicycle many times. Wasn’t that seat very uncomfortable with a naked behind on top of it? Why do these things never happen where I can see them?

I would like to promote more nude protests, just for the record. I am particularly advocating protests from the likes of Naomi Watts, Charlize Theron, Jessica Alba, Kate Bosworth, and that red-headed cutie Kari from the Discovery Channel show “Mythbusters.”

I read a story last week about a man working at a place that was pouring molten steel. He fell into a pit as this giant bucket was about to pour the steel. It was a long fall, so some believe the fall alone may have killed him. The kicker is that there was no way to stop the molten steel and so the guy was buried in liquid metal. Last I heard there were going to be attempts to recover the body but it would take several days for the metal to cool for them to try it.

I’m just saying this because it’s Monday. I know I often feel grouchy on a Monday. If you think you are having a bad day, just think about this guy.

Oprah Winfrey has decided to start appearing, randomly, at people’s weddings. Not famous people either, just like, Tom and Jane’s wedding in Ohio. What the hell is this? Is this supposed to be like the stories when Zeus would come down off of Olympus to grace the humans with his presence?

The Tony Awards were last night. Like most people, I did not watch them. I grew up in a family where musical theater was a big deal. My parents enjoyed going to plays, particularly musicals, as I grew up. Musical production and cast albums were in constant play around my house as a youth. However, there was just something cool, for a while about going to big shows. In my life there have been three musical plays I felt I had to see at all costs: Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat, Les Miserables, The Phantom of the Opera. Since then, not much.

The Joseph production I got to see was in New York, on Broadway, before Disney came into Times Square and turned it into Disneyland New York. The production I saw had David Cassidy as Joseph.

This means nothing, but any column with a David Cassidy reference is a good one, I feel.

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