Three Heart Healthy Breakfast Ideas for Organic Diets

As we age, most of us recognize we need to change the way we eat. Saturated fats and carbohydrates are what cause us to gain weight as we age and also increase our chances of developing heart disease. Heart disease begins with the food we eat. If we have a high intake of saturated fats and carbohydrates then there will be a lot of fat circulating in our blood. The fat settles in the arteries of the heart making flow less than optimal. As we age and more fat builds up in our hearts, the arteries become blocked; this is heart disease. If heart disease progresses long enough without treatment it can cause heart attacks and stroke.

Replacing a few carbohydrates every day with some protein will help you reduce your risk of heart disease. We have been told our entire lives that diets rich in fruits and vegetables, and low in saturated fat are the best for our bodies. But how many of us actually listened all those years? Most people don’t follow anything even close to the model of the food pyramid. Most of us eat way too many sweets and breads, and way too much fast food and junk food.

It’s time that we as humans evolve from the world of over processed and prepackaged food. Organic farming is reinventing the way Americans think about food. Because organic farming does not use pesticides, chemicals, hormones, or antibiotics it is much safer for humans to consume than conventional choices. Organic farming is also better for the environment and often the animals are treated much better than on traditional farms. Organic farming provides Americans with a sustainable life source that does not destroy the environment or contaminate ground water.

If you have not seriously considered adding organic foods to your diet maybe this article can help you come to a decision to make the switch. Not only are organic foods good for your heart but often organic food tastes better than conventional methods. Incorporating organic foods into your heart healthy diet is easy. There are three basic diet groups; the carbohydrate diet, the protein diet, and the unsaturated fat diet.

The carbohydrate diet will incorporate fresh organic citrus fruits into your diet that provide vitamin c and essential oils. You will also get carbohydrates and fiber from the cereal combined with rice milk. Organic bananas also give you much needed potassium. This diet is great for people who are more sedentary during the day because it lowers your intake of calories at breakfast while still allowing you to jump start your metabolism.

The protein diet incorporates acid into your diet with organic tomato juice, which aids in digestion. The “cage free” eggs and soy milk provide protein, the cheese provides healthy fats but can be substituted for tofu, and the cereal offers fiber. Organic grapes and raisins are full of powerful antioxidants that our bodies need. The green tea will aid in the cleansing of your intestines and liver and is a much needed addition to any diet. This diet is superb for people who exercise often because it gives you a few extra calories to burn.

The unsaturated fat is a wonderful plan for people who are only slightly active during the day. If you have extremely high blood pressure or cholesterol you should consider this diet. Organic orange juice provides you with immune strengthening vitamins like vitamin C, while the cereal coupled with organic rice milk provides fiber. The toast with jam with also gives you another source of fiber and the jam will offer you essential fats and sugars. This diet is devoid of any saturated fats.

âÂ?¢ Carbohydrate Diet Organic Breakfast– 1 Organic citrus fruit or glass of fruit juice, Ã?½ cup of cereal with rice milk, and 1 banana.

âÂ?¢ Protein Diet Organic Breakfast– 1 Glass of organic tomato juice, 1 “cage free” (animal was allowed to roam free), organic cheese or tofu, Ã?½ cup of cereal with soy milk, and raisins or grapes, 1 cup green tea.

âÂ?¢ Unsaturated Fat Diet Organic Breakfast– 1 Glass of organic orange juice, Ã?½ cup of cereal with rice milk, 1 piece of organic fruit, organic whole wheat toast, and organic jam. Make sure it’s jam and not jelly; jelly is made with preservatives.

These diets can be modified to fit any of your meals but for the purpose of this article we will focus on breakfast. Eating breakfast every day is a great way to jump start your metabolism helping you burn fat and loose weight.

If you have borderline systolic high blood pressure (131 to over 77-the top number of the reading) or you just want to control your blood pressure all three of these diets will work for you. The carbohydrate diet will lower your blood pressure an average of 8 points over a four week period. The Protein Diet will lower your blood pressure up to 9.5 points, and the Unsaturated Fat Diet will lower it about 9.3 points.

Your LDL Cholesterol levels; the bad ones that come from saturated fats and carbohydrates can also fall an average of 12-14 points with all three diets. An optimal LDL cholesterol score should be around 100. These reductions alone can equal less of a chance for heart disease and also heart attacks. Those with high carbohydrate content in their diets will tend to have more problems with their heart as they age. The long term affects of all three diets can also lead to weight loss.

The information contained herein is meant for educational purposes only. If you believe you are suffering from high blood pressure or high cholesterol see your doctor immediately to discuss the best options and choices. This information is not intended to prevent or cure any disease or illness. Please see your doctor before starting any exercise or diet regimen.

Source: Journal of American Medical Association

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