Three Helpful Fruits for Diabetes Patients

Fruits and vegetables are famous healthy foods, but there are three fruits in particular that can be especially beneficial for diabetes patients: apples, grapefruits and jambul fruits. The first two, of course, are relatively common, while the other is indigenous to India and not commonly found in the United States. Following is an explanation of the benefits these fruits can bring to diabetes patients.


Arguably the most popular fruit, apples are sub-acid foods that have a rich perctin content and have proven rather beneficial to diabetes patients. Pectin, one of the most potent components in apples, can be found in the rind and in the pulp, and acts as a detoxifier of the body by supplying an inordinate amount of galacrturonic acid. This helps remove harmful waste from the bloodstream and can lower a diabetic’s insulin requirements by up to or even more than 35%.

Apples are also helpful for both depression and weight loss. Apples are considered a negative calorie food, as it takes more calories to digest them than they provide to the body. They release certain chemicals into the body which helps with the synthesis of glutei acid, and controls the destruction of various nerve cells.


Grapefruit is significantly less popular than the apple, but it is no less beneficial for diabetes patients. A citrus fruit with a unique favor, the grapefruit is wonderful for overall nutrition, and many physicians believe that the intake of grapefruit from an early age might significantly decrease the amount of diabetes cases in the world.

Nutritionists and holistic healers recommend that anyone suffering from high blood sugar levels should be ingesting at least three servings of grapefruit each day. Grapefruit can also be used as a preventative measure against high blood sugar levels, especially when used in conjunction with a low-fat, low-sugar, low-starch diet. Individuals who do not currently have high blood sugar levels will experience a change in less than two weeks; diabetes patients should experience a change in no more than three months.

Jambul Fruit

The Jambul fruit is indigenous to India and, like apples and grapefruit, contains certain anti-diabetes properties.

The Jambul’s primary effect is on the pancreas, as it controls the conversion of starch into sugar and moderates blood glucose levels. Many diabetes patients crush the seeds of the Jambul into a glass of water in order to reduce the amount of sugar in urine, while also allaying thirst.

In addition to the fruit, the bark of the jambul tree is also used to treat diabetes. The bark itself is dried out entirely, then burned into a white-colored ash. Patients who take a total of six grams of burned jambul bark each day experience a reduction in urine production as well as an improvement to the overall health of the patient.

In Ayurveda, the inner bark of the jambul tree is considered valuable in the treatment of diabetes. The bark is dried and burnt, to produce a white colored ash. This ash is pestle in the mortar, strained and bottled. The diabetes patient should be given. The diabetes patients should be given about two grams of this ash in the morning on an empty stomach and two grams each in the afternoon and in the evening and hour after meals.

The seeds of the jambul fruits are considered beneficial in the treatment of excessive urination. The powder of these seeds in doses of one gram each, in the morning and evening is effective in controlling this condition.

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