Three of the Best Pet Stores in Richmond, VA

This list is of smaller, family owned pet stores. There are several PetSmarts ( located though out the Richmond area and for the most part are well stocked with a verity of pet needs, though the staff isn’t always as knowledgeable as one would like. For that and locally made items, the family owned pet stores are a better bet. The ones listed below have been in operation several years and are not fly by night operations.
One pet store that I love is the Pet Club. The selection is wonderful of both live animals and supplies. One of the best points is that, even though they are family owned there are three Pet Clubs through out the Richmond area. All of the stores are clean, the animals well cared for and the staff knowledgeable.
The Pet Club can be found at these locations;
1) 2009 Huguenot Rd. (804)272-3540,
2) 1517 N. Parham Rd. (804)282-0790, and
3) 10454 Ridgefield Pkwy (804) 741-5078
PetTails is the place to buy birds. Their birds are hand tamed and the nicest you’ll ever meet. Most of the birds come from local breeders that meet with the owner’s standards and all of your bird supply needs can be meant here as well. The staff is top notch and trained to answer your question and if they don’t know then they will find out for you. If there is an item you need that PetTails doesn’t carry, they will special order it or find where you can go to get it. PetTails also carries small animals, fish, reptiles, and pet supplies. Rt 360 at Genito Rd. (804) 744-8672
If you are looking for more rare small animals, such as sugar gliders and hedgehogs then go to Noah’s Pets. This pet store is very small but very clean and happy. Their animals are well cared for and locally breed. They also have one of the largest reptile selections in the area. 14243 Midlothian Tnpk (804)379-8335
There several other pet stores in the Richmond area. Perfect Pets ( has only been around for a little over a year and not as established as others. For all of your saltwater fish needs there are Fish World (804-379-2466) and Atlantis ( If you are looking for a puppy from a breeder but don’t the time to call individuals you can go to Pauley’s Pups (, and they are only a short drive from Richmond.
I hope this list was helpful to all pet lovers!