Thrifty Decorating

I like cream or white walls. This allows me to change the room to my latest color passion with a few small touches. These touches are what make a room personal. They let people get to know you just by walking in the door. I will share with you a few of my favorites.
Baskets make great storage space. We all have things that don’t get used every day yet must be kept, just in case. Paper can accumulate and take up otherwise useful space in desk drawers and file cabinets. Baskets with lids are great for this. My favorite type of basket for storage and decoration is the picnic basket. Normally, these have a nice flat lid. This allows the use of several baskets which can be stacked to make a lovely presentation next to a chair or under a table. No one would guess that the beautiful new decor is actually harboring paper clutter. Suit cases can be used the same way and are very popular among the shabby chic decorators.
Baskets are also great if you’re a crafter. Craft items accumulate very quickly and can look like clutter if left lying around. Gather up yarn in like colors. Put it in a basket and you have art. It’s beautiful to look at. It also lets people know what you enjoy.
Perhaps you like making jewelry or needlework that utilizes beads. My favorite way of storing and displaying beads is in thrifted creamers and sugar bowls. These can be picked up for pennies and because they may have a crack or stain, they are no longer useful for holding food items. They are perfect for holding odds and ends for crafting, like beads, small scraps of fabric or ribbon and buttons. These pretty containers can be made useful again while adding beauty to your home.
Stringing some pretty beads and hanging them from a knob or light fixture can give your room a touch of whimsy. You do not have to be a jewelry maker to do this. Go to the craft section of most department stores and you can find a small package of beads and some linen cord. If you can tie a knot, you’re golden. Who knows? The bug may hit you to make more pretty beaded things. If this sounds like too much trouble, go to the thrift store and pick up a bright beaded necklace, usually 50cents or less, and wrap it around a lamp base or something. You’ll be amazed at how something so small can increase the interest in a space.
Shelves can be a very inexpensive way of livening up a room. Small wooden shelves can be picked up at the thrift store for a few dollars. A little acrylic paint can make them fresh. Paint them in a bright color that you love-a color you were afraid to put on the wall. Add a few things that show who you are and what you really care about. Now your room is really warming up.
Books are an often overlooked decorating treasure. Take off that slick book cover and underneath you will find rich, textured covers with really beautiful colors. You may have books stuck in shelves right now that could be stacked on a shelf or table for a really fantastic statement. If you haven’t kept your hard back books, never fear. The thrift store sells books and sells them cheap. You may also find them at your library. Often they sell books that have been donated. For less than a dollar, you could have a new table display.
Shaker boxes, paper mache boxes, small pieces of china and crocks all make terrific storage that is also beautiful.
Decorating your home is not about spending a lot of money. It is about reflecting who you are while making your surroundings comfortable and peaceful. Most of us have too much, not too little when it comes to “stuff.” Use some of that stuff. Don’t hide it back in dark corners. Hide it in plain sight! Go “shopping” in your own cupboards and bookshelves. Then hit the thrift stores and yard sales. Move something from one room to another. Sometimes things seem new if we just move them or pair them with something different.
You can change the look of your room for under $100. In fact, I believe you can change the look of your room for under $10. Truth be told�probably for $0 using a little creativity and the things you already have.
Get creative. You’ll be amazed at how comfortably updated and “you” your home can become with a little TLC-Thrift, love and creativity
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Posted by john in Decorating & Design