Throw Sex Toy Parties for Fun and Profit

Don’t give a sex toy party in Texas. Joanna Webb, a 43 year old mother of three, was arrested in Burleson, Texas for explaining how to use a sex toy. Unfortunately, the folks she explained to were police officers. She was convicted under a law that makes it a crime to promote a device “designed or marketed as useful primarily for the stimulation of human genitle organs.” It is perfectly legal to sell sex toys in Texas as novelty items, you just can’t say anything about them. So, if you must throw a sex toy Party in Texas, just have the toys lying about, but don’t say a word about them.
Why throw a sex toy party? For one thing they are fun to give and empowering for women. It’s a chance for women to get together and really let their hair down. But you will also get free sex toys and some exclusive sex toys. All sorts of women come to these parties; women in their twenties to sixties; single, married, lesbian, straight – all can be found because they find them a safe, relaxed, and fun way to learn about sex and sex toys.
When you invite people, make sure you make it clear what kind of party you are giving. Be very clear and descriptive about what your guests are going to see: vibrators, dildos, lubes, creams, etc. You don’t want to offend anyone and you don’t want a guest to go into terminal shock.
Be sure you do some research on the company for whom you are giving the party. Are they well established? What kind of help will they provide? Try to go to a sex toy part before you throw one of your own. The consultant should do all the work of explaining and passing around the toys and she should establish a warm, open atmosphere.
When you throw your party make sure you have enough room and that you provide food and drink.Ã?¯Ã?¿Ã?½ You need enough room for at least twenty women and still leave room for the sales consultant and her wares. You will need a separate room for her to use to take orders and respect your guest’s privacy. Just because this party is part business, it is still a party and you need to provide munchies and drink
You might want to be a sales consultant yourself. Most companies train consultants free of charge. If they do charge for training, it’s best to avoid them. As a sales consultant, you will work strictly for commission which runs from about 40% to 59%. There is a book out which will give you loads of information on how to run a sex party business, Naughty Girls Night In by Shana Duthie and Stacey Jewell.