Thyroid Problems:Infants And Children

Thyroid Glands: What are they?

A thyroid gland is a butterfly shaped gland located in the middle of the lower neck below the voice box and just above the collar bone. The thyroid gland produces thyroid hormones that are released into the bloodstream and are necessary for life. These hormones affect both growth and development in children. Although thyroid problems in children are rare, approximately one in every 1000 are born with an abnormal thyroid gland.

Types of Thyroid Problems in children

The thyroid gland can become under-active, this is called hypothyroidism or over active this is called hyperthyroidism.

Hypothyroidism in children

The reason a thyroid may become under active in a child is because their own immune system attacks the gland as if it is an intruder in the body. When this happens, the thyroid gland loses its ability to produce the needed amount of thyroid hormones to sustain normal growth and development.

Symptoms of Hypothyroidism include:


Pale skin color

Dry skin

Sensitivity to coldness


Slow growth

Development of a goiter (swelling of the gland)

Symptoms of Hypothyroidism in infants:

Puffy face

Swollen tongue

Hoarse cry

Cold hands, arms, feet and legs

Floppy muscles or no strength

Poor feeding

Herniated belly button


Persistent constipation and bloating

Prolonged jaundice

Little to no growth

It is extremely important that infants be tested within the first few days of being born. If left untreated hypothyroidism can pose a serious threat to both physical and mental development in an infant.

Treatment of Hypothyroidism

Children with under active thyroid glands be treated with a thyroid hormone replacement supplement. This supplement will likely have to be taken for the rest of their life.

Hyperthyroidism in children

The thyroid gland can also become over active in children. Making a diagnosis of hyperthyroidism in a child is more difficult, because some of the symptoms may be easily missed or taken as being something else. These symptoms include:


Mood swings

Shaky hands

Weakness in arms and legs


Trouble concentrating


Development of a goiter (swelling of the gland)

Treatment of Hyperthyroidism

Treatment of children with over active thyroid glands can be done with anti-thyroid drugs. These meds work by making it difficult for the body to use iodine to make thyroid hormones. The main disadvantages of using an anti-thyroid drug are the prolonged need for treatment and the recurrence factor. Some patients do not respond to the anti-thyroid drugs and have to have surgery or a thyroidectomy to remove the defective thyroid gland.

Diagnosing Thyroid Problems in Children

A blood test called Thyroid Function test is used to diagnose a thyroid problem. These series of test check the levels of TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone) in the blood. From these battery of test it can be determined if a child has a hypothyroidism problem or a hyperthyroidism problem.

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