Tick Tock: Six Ways to Make Effective Use of Your Time at Work

We all know workdays can get pretty hectic. Piled up assignments, last minute meetings and reports. It seems like there is not enough time in the day to get it all done. There will be some days when assignments will have to wait until tomorrow, but there are ways to make your time at work more effective overall so that you can get in as much work (or downtime) as possible.

1) Focus. Work on detailed assignments in the morning when your brain power and concentration are at its highest. Push smaller “housekeeping” assignments like checking e-mail and returning unimportant calls to the middle or end of the day. Laura Stack, author of Leave the Office Earlier, suggests removing the notification alert in your e-mail. This pop-up feature can distract you while working on your computer, especially if it is programmed to chime as well.

2) Create a “To Do” list. This can be done at the end of each day or the night before so that you have a clear focus of what needs to be completed the next day. This will not only keep you focused at work the next day, but may keep you from losing sleep over worrying the night before. Sleep deprivation may cause you to be less alert during the day and thus slow projects down.

3) Document. Keep a daily log of your tasks each day so that it is a quick reference for what you may need to continue to work on the following day. Many times I have consulted my log to see what tasks have already been completed as well as to confirm what I have worked on and whom I had talked to. A quick look at the log often jolted my memory and I spent less time trying to remember what I worked on or whom I talked to the day before.

4) Close your door. Go ahead and close the door sometimes, if you have one. It is a clear sign that you are working on something and do not wish to be disturbed. If you’re the kind of person who gets easily distracted, this may help to get tasks complete faster. If you work at a cubicle, get earplugs or a “Do not disturb” sign that can quickly be taken off when the supervisor is around.

5) Arrive early. Plan to arrive 10-15 minutes earlier than usual on particularly busy days and get extra time to complete projects, a presentation or the often-unimportant housekeeping duties. You will be amazed at how much extra work can get done by getting in early. Just make sure that you arrive well rested in the morning.

6) Snack. Instead of taking time out for a big meal during your lunch hour, bring several snacks to munch on throughout the day. Not only is it good for you, but you may also avoid the middle of the day lethargy from having a big meal. Be sure to bring a variety of snacks such as fruit, nuts, and vegetables as well as protein to keep you energized.

Trying out just two of these ideas may allow you to achieve more tasks and save you a world of time during the day. Who knows, you may even be singled out as “worker of the month.”

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