Tilng Your Bath and Shower

The Shower Flooring
The first construction task you should start with is the floor of the shower. Shower flooring like ceramic tile and grout are not waterproofed. The tiles and particularly the grout are porous so a lining beneath the surface is necessary to keep water from damaging the space around the shower. When a shower pan leaks out, more or less the sealing plan has went wrong.
A shower floor is manufactured on top of a substantial base. It may be sub-floor or it could be made of concrete. A special shower run out is fit in place first. This run out has two drain holes, one above the former. A bed of masonry is poured in and sloped to the bottom drain. Placed on top of the sloped mortar; is a vinyl layer. This vinyl canvas is really the waterproofed membrane of the floor.
The vinyl is glued to the base of the drainpipe so you then have a waterproofed lining which is run-up the bulwark a few inches.
Directly above the lining a second bed of mortar is poured out that’s inclined towards the drain to act as the base for the tiling. After the mortar dries out for a few days the tile is hardened by applying thinset adhesive material. Then the tiling is grouted and the flooring is set.
The Ceiling
If you wish to tile the ceiling, this is the next step. You will be able to reinforce the tiles on strips of plyboard across each line. Apply the strips with two-by-fours lodged inbetween the shower pan and ceiling.
The Walls
Mark off dividing lines on the rear wall, then on the side walls. You will require horizontal and vertical seams. If the shower walls partly cover the face of the shower, you’ll be able to utilize the back corners as the upright working lines if the walls are perpendicular.
Apply adhesive material on the rear wall and set the tiling till accomplished. Then finish the sides and the front. install any fittings such as soap dishes as you move. In the end, fill out the trim around the doorway and step.
A ceramic tiled shower is a difficult undertaking but one that a lot of home owners successfully complete.