Time Savers for Busy Mom’s

In today’s world the definition of a busy mom has multiplied by almost 200%. The average mom, not only is a mom, but a co-worker, a wife, and a housekeeper. Some mom’s don’t have the luxury of having a spouse to help with the everyday chores that need to be kept up.

I am one of those that don’t have the luxury of having a second adult in the house, and there are days that everything is really overwhelming. Not only do I work full-time, a full-time mom, housekeeper, but I am also attending classes to get my bachelors degree. With all of this I would say that time savers are in order.

In my house we have lots of pre made meals that are either ready for the oven or I make enough to last a couple of days.

Some of the best time saving tasks that I implement in my everyday life are:

1)Create a schedule and follow the schedule as closely as you can. There will always be that unexpected emergency with one of the kids that you have to go take care of, but just return to the schedule you have in place and the day will turn out fine.

2)Another great time saver is to pick one day to make your meals for the week. Then place them in microwave able containers and either freeze or place in the refrigerator.

3)Organization is a great way to save time throughout your day when you are unorganized your entire day runs a muck. A few recommendations in this category would be the following

a.Have one place to put all of the bills for that month, that way you don’t have to hunt them down when its time to pay them.

b.Make sure that you have all the food in the cupboards organized for easy reach and so that you can tell exactly what your out of when it’s time for creating a grocery list.

c.Create a To Do list everyday and mark the to do items off the list as they are completed. If one task does not get completed carry it over to the following day.

These are some of the simplest yet most time saving ideas.

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