Tips for Attending the 2005 Vans Warped Tour

So last Thursday, I traveled the 65 mile drive from Murrieta to San Diego. Specifically, I was heading toward the city of Chula Vista. My reason can only be described in three words: Vans Warped Tour. Yep, it’s that time of year again, to stand out in the blazing sun for eight or nine hours and listen to a broad spectrum of bands. So, for those planning to attend a Warped Tour near your own town, I thought I’d write some tips down.

First of all, bring and wear sunscreen. I did both, yet I still came home with quite the sunburn. It’s always fun towards evening time, to see the people who were wearing none and match their red t-shirt they are wearing. Second, bring something to write on and a pen. Inside the show, you’ll find a huge board that everyone crowds around, telling the times and locations of most of the bands.

You definitely want to write down what stage and time your bands will be playing. My advice, plan out ahead of time who you want to see. You can go to the warped tour website and click on the date you are attending. It will list what bands will play at each stage. Better yet, print it out and write on that the times your favorite bands are playing.

If you’re like me, you’ll end up having more than one band you want to see in the same time slot, and you’ll have to either run back and forth, or choose the one you’d prefer.

Also, make sure that you walk the booths too beforehand because many of the smaller stages won’t be listed on the huge board and you couldn’t want to miss one of your bands. Definitely make sure you bring tons of money and please, please, please, eat before hand. Unfortunately, we were already running late, so there was no time for a McDonald’s run, but we should have made one.

I definitely would have preferred a Big Mac meal for $5, as opposed to a hot dog and soda for ten dollars (no joke!). Let’s see, what else should you bring? Oh, bring your own plastic bag from home to put all of your merchandise in. If you’re like me, you’ll buy four or five shirts and every place you go to will be out of plastic bags, which is funny, because the person right in front of you got one.

Lastly, just remember to have a good time. Warped Tour will be back again next year and any of the other bands you missed will most likely be going on their own tour. So relax, stay cool, and enjoy the show!

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