Tips for Being a Marathon Spectator

If you do not have the skills or the body to be a marathon runner it does not mean that you cannot participate in these events. If you are not running in the race you should still consider showing up and watching as the race unfolds. In order to have a good spectating experience there are a few tips that you should keep in mind.

The first thing that you will want to do is make sure you know what the route is that the runners will be following. This will allow you to follow along, and be present at critical mile markers. You will also want to make sure that you know where the finish line is. This is the most exciting part of the race, and you will want to make sure that you get a good spot as the runners come down the stretch.

If you want to get involved with the runners there is nothing wrong with brining along signs of encouragement. A marathon is a grueling event, and any words of encouragement can help out even the greatest runner. You may even want to sign up to help hand out water to the runners. Along the route that the runners are following, you will notice people handing out water at specific points. This is a great way to get involved.

More and more people nowadays are signing up for marathons knowing that they will have no chance of winning. These people simply sign up and complete as much of the race as they can. A lot of people will even sign up just to walk the course. So even if you are having fun as a spectator, you may still want to sign up at some point in time just to experience the thrill of the race.

Regardless of whether you are running in the race, or simply acting as a fan, a marathon is a great time.

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