Tips for Buying Sheets

Picking out a sheet is often an overwhelming experience. With the wide array of top sheets, fitted sheets, duvet covers, and all the styles, sizes, patterns and colors they come in, it’s no wonder that many people end up buying the wrong kind of sheets. There are some tips and tricks, however, which will ensure that you get the sheets that are right for you.
First you have to think about the color of your sheets. Before you shop online or at a retail store, think about what you want. Keep in mind the colors of the room, the furniture, and any artwork or decorations shouldn’t clash with your choice of sheets. Standard colors like white, off white, black, and neutral colors are usually safe.
Second, measure the thickness, length, and width of your mattress for your sheet. This is important as many people end up buying sheets or other bedding that is either too long or too short for their bed. Even if your mattress says it is twin, full, queen, or king sized, different companies often have measurements that aren’t noticeable until you buy a sheet. Thus, to be safe (especially when buying online) know how long, thick, and wide your mattress is before you buy your sheet.
Third, fitted sheets are generally easier use if you buy the ones with elastic on all sides. They are typically the best quality and don’t pop off of your bed at random times. They are usually the same price as other sheets that are only fitted on two sides.
Fourth, pick your sheet fabric wisely! There is nothing worse than a scratchy, itchy sheet that makes you toss and turn. There a number of factors to take into consideration when you buy a sheet fabric: whether you live in a hot or a cold environment, how sensitive your skin is, whether you have allergies to certain fabrics, whether you want a blended or pure sheet fabric, and many more. Natural fibers like cotton, linen, or blends of the two are typically safe for any climate, though linen might be a better choice if you live in a hotter or more humid location.
Five, think about your sheet’s thread count. It can make a difference in how your sheets feel and how long they last. Generally speaking, the lower the thread count, the less expensive the sheet, and vice versa. Conversely, a higher thread count means softer and long-lasting the fabric.
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Posted by john in Decorating & Design