Tips for Cleaning Out Your Refrigerator

The first thing that you will need to do is grab a sponge, bucket of warm water and a few clean rags. You will want to take the rags outside and shake them out to remove all the lint from the rags. Bring the rags, bucket and sponge over to the refrigerator and start removing all of the items from the fridge. You will probably want to do this before you go grocery shopping so you don’t need to unload the entire fridgerator. You can also remove all of the items out of the freezer and clean the freezer if you would like to. You will need to place all of the items on your counter and get comfortable.

You can pull out all the drawers and let them soak in the sink while you clean the main section of the fridge. You can also remove the racks and bars so make it easier to clean. You can also place these items in the sink to soak. Now you can spray a cleaning chemical like vinegar onto the sections you want to clean or you can use the sponge and scrub on the sections of the fridge. You might need to use a toothbrush to get off food that is stuck on the inside of the fridge. You may want to let the water soak a little bit on the stuck on food particles.

This may take you at least an hour to clean the refridgerator but at least you will have it done for a month or two. Once you see the frige starting to look sticky and grungy you will want to do it again. Just like cleaning your home you need to keep up on it little by little or you will pay the price when you finally decide to clean the fridge. To avoid getting it dirty you can wipe of groceries before you put them in your frige. The main reason your fridge gets dirty is because all of the items coming from the grocery store and quite dirty from being shipped and placed in the grocery store.

You will also want to place paper towels under items that you know will leak. This would include cool air in containers that tend to form condensation and make rings in your fridge. Some things are hard to avoid but you can try if you want to. The main thing is wiping down cases of pop and bags of veggies and fruits before placing them in your refridgerator. If you have time to clean out the fridge on a regular basis it shouldn’t take more than a half an hour to clean the refridgerator out the next time.

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