Tips for Dealing with a Wet Basement

A wet basement is frustrating to deal with, not only because the moisture can cause damage to your home and draw insects, but also because it means you have to be careful where you store things in your basement. This has been a problem in my own basement and here’s what I have learned about dealing with the problem.

Determine How Bad the Problem Is

Is your basement damp at all times or only after rain? If the basement gets wet only after rain, is the wetness an issue after rain of any amount or only heavy rain? My basement only had a few wet spots after very heavy rain. Light rain caused no problem and the basement did not stay damp otherwise.

Constant moisture and dampness can mean a serious foundation problem that is allowing moisture from the surrounding soil to seep into your basement. That could mean a serious — and potentially — expensive problem that can only be fixed by a professional.

Occasional water, as in the case with my basement, can be an easy fix that a DIYer could tackle.


Gutters are your first defense against a leaky basement. A good gutter system on your home will carry water away from your home’s foundation. If you don’t have gutters or your gutters are blocked or in disrepair, they may be the main culprit for a wet basement.

Check your gutters and downspouts to make sure they are not blocked or damaged. Make sure downspouts carry water far enough away from the foundation. Damaged gutters were the main culprit behind my home’s leaky basement.

Seal Up Cracks and Walls

Cracks in the basement walls should be sealed to keep out moisture. Check at local hardware or home centers for products that will expand and seal cracks.

A quality waterproofing paint should be used to seal the basement walls and repel water. This can also be found at most home centers.


If you have windows in your basement, you may need to dig around the window outside the home to build a window well. A window well should have a well wall to keep moisture away and gravel to help with drainage.

Consult a Professional

Calling in a professional to offer advice and tackle the job may ultimately be your only option. Gutters are usually done by experienced professionals but sealing cracks and painting on waterproofer are simple DIY projects that any homeowner can do. An experienced DIYer could install window wells but remember, when it comes to your home’s foundation, you don’t want to do things incorrectly or halfway.

A professional consultation can point you in the right direction to make a decision on dealing with a wet basement. Having all available information can help you decide if you can tackle some of the issues yourself or if you will need to hire someone to do it for you.

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