Tips for Designing a Nursery

As the time for the birth of your baby gets closer you need to begin work to make the nursery special for your baby. Taking the time to design the nursery is an emotional investment in your child’s wellbeing that will pay dividends when baby comes home.

You can use magazines to help you design the nursery. You can go to websites galore for tips on how to design your baby’s nursery. You certainly can listen to friends and family as they tell you what they did to design their baby’s nursery. Or you can design it from your heart. Make that room what you think will help your new bundle sleep well, wake up calm and feel content. If you can design the nursery to do that and still make it a useful room to house all those things you need for your new baby, then you will have accomplished a masterpiece!

The first thing to do is plan where you want everything in the nursery. Design it carefully; you’ll want to put the crib away from the window so there are no drafts. Buy some nice curtains, or design and make them yourself, to cover the windows. Baby will sleep better in a dark room. Paint the walls a pleasant neutral color; soft greens, yellows or beiges make for attractive nursery walls when you don’t know the sex of your baby. Then you may want to do other things to the walls to make the room more stimulating and attractive. You can use border wallpapers or wall stickers to design interesting, stimulating pictures for when baby is playing in their nursery.

Whichever crib you choose to buy, don’t forget to purchase bumper pads at the same time. These make your nursery safer as they protect baby from bumping themselves on the bars. You can get them plain or with an attractive design on them. Also use electrical outlet covers to make the room safer. A rocking chair that has the same design as your crib is a nice touch in your nursery.

Next you’ll need to design the way the rest of the nursery looks. This includes where to put the dresser, change table and toy chest. Even the light fixture in the nursery should have a cute design on it. You want to make everything you can attractive for your baby. This room has so many things you can do with it. You can hang posters with letters, numbers, or colors so as the baby gets older they can learn. The light switch can have a special cover on it. It would be fun teaching your baby colors as they are turning the light on to enter their room for a sleep.

You want this nursery to be the right atmosphere for your baby. A mix of colorful and calm, a design that is bold and beautiful while quiet and restful. When you design a nursery for your baby, you must remember that these things are the first impressions you will leave your child with.

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