Tips for EBay Sellers: How to Make More Money Off of Your Auctions

A common misunderstanding among new eBay sellers is that items always end for what they are worth. The same item can have a huge range in sale prices. The more the seller understands about auction listings, the better their auction will be and, in turn, the more money they will make.

There are many different ways to help increase the final prices of your eBay auctions. It is when sellers follow these steps that they should begin to notice an increase in sales compared to those that do not follow these steps. The first thing any eBay seller should do before listing auctions is to check the Completed Items listings.

To check the Completed Items listings, you can do a basic auction search while having the Completed Items box checked on the left hand side of the page. From this, you will be able to see the different auctions for the item you searched for and their final prices. Sometimes you can see different titles or names for the product that produce higher final prices. If you notice a trend, make sure you use it in your auction.

When making the title for the auction, do not use any words such as “Look,” “Wow,” or anything along those lines because no one searches for those words, so they are a complete waste of the character limit you have. If you have extra space, just throw in words that relate to your product that are searchable.

When making the auction description, make sure to include as much information as you can. This will save you time from having to answer buyers’ questions later. Also, make sure to include a good picture. Just like when you shop at a store, you want to see the item you are buying before you purchase it. Buyer on eBay want to see what item they will be winning in your auction.

Do not fall into all of the auction upgrades that eBay offers you because they typically cost a lot more than they will help you. If you have a very expensive item worth a few hundred dollars or more, then this is the time when you should use those upgrades. With high dollar auctions, you want to pay the extra money to bring in more people.

Finally, do not charge ridiculous shipping prices for your auctions on eBay. It is alright to charge a bit more than the actual shipping cost to help cover your fees and the time it takes for you to package the item, etc. If you make the shipping prices extremely high, a lot of buyers will just ignore the item no matter how good of a deal it may end up being.

If you follow a combination or all of these steps, then you should be able to make some extra money on your eBay auctions. Make sure to try new things on eBay and see which work. You might just find a new way to have your eBay auctions successful.

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