Tips for Finding the Perfect Travel Luggage

In the past year I have been on a minimum of twenty-fivetrips. Some were two weeks or longer, others just for the weekend.The one thing I have discovered from these trips is that luggage can makeor break the trip.

Finding a piece of luggage to fit your personal needs and still be practical is a must for successful travel. If traveling light, a sturdy carry bag with a nicely padded carrying handle may be all you need. If traveling not-so-light, there area few things to remember. First and foremost: wheels. Even if you think you will not do much walking with your luggage, wheels provide a convenience that is unbeatable in most travel situations. In today’s luggage market there are wheel options on just about every type of luggage you will endeavor, including traditional, garment, and upright luggage pieces.

Another tip to consider is pockets: Outside pockets are great for items you wish to bring but may not mind losing (especially if not traveling by automobileas pocket zippers tend to be broken in transit due to abrupt handling and tossing and turning in transit), and inside pockets are key for organization. Some luggagepieces offer nifty corner pockets for shoes, spacious top pockets inside and out for smaller items such as lingerie, maps, or reading material. and/or padded pockets for souvenirs or breakables. Also to be taken into consideration are inside pockets made of vinyl or plastic for toiletries. These are fantastic for the occasional spills or toothpaste mishaps that might occur during travel.

Construction of the luggage piece must also be taken into consideration. Questions you might ask yourself are: Is the frame in dependable, sturdy condition? Is the fabric one that can endure not-so-ideal environments (such as inclement weather conditions, dust, or being stored in cramped quarters)? Is the ideal life span of this pieceof luggage worth the asking price for it?

The final thought to take into consideration when considering a luggage purchase is: Does it have a warranty? Many luggage pieces today offer great warranties in differentcapacities spanning from a few days to a lifetime. Just make sure to check out the lengthof the warranty and what it covers. Generally there are no additional fees to obtainluggage with a warranty, so whilst searching for the perfect piece it could very well pay off to choose one with rather than choosing one without.

Luggage selections today are plentiful and affordable. Just remember what your true traveling needs are and keep those thoughts close to you when making your selection. In the end, you will be glad that you did. Bon Voyage, and happy traveling.

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