Tips for Furnishing Your Baby Nursery

So, the news that a new baby is on the way has already been sprung, and you have decided it is time to prepare the nursery. Probably one of the first things you will think about is a theme and color scheme, and then you will have to start purchasing furniture that you will need for your new baby.

One of the most obvious things that your new baby will need is a safe place to sleep. For infants, you have a choice of either bassinet, or crib. The crib is the most cost effective option, as your baby will probably be able to sleep in it for a couple of years at least. Bassinets are nice to have, but babies tend to outgrow them rather quickly, and they can be quite expensive for something that will only be used a short amount of time. The nice advantage a bassinet has over a crib is that it is rather easy to move from room to room so that you can keep your baby with you at all times, even as it is sleeping. When making the decision to buy your baby’s bed, you should take into account the cost versus use, and what you want that will fit into your budget. Also, keep in mind, that bassinets are common shower gifts, so if you put one on your baby registry, chances are you may get what you really want without ever having to spend your own money. The most important thing to keep in mind is your baby’s safety. It is not recommended to purchase used or older model cribs and bassinets as they may not meet modern safety standards. Some older cribs were painted with lead paint, may have too much space between the crib and the mattress allowing a place for your baby to get tangled up and smother, or may have missing rungs, allowing space for your baby to get caught and possibly hang in the crib rails.

One nice thing to have in your baby nursery of course is a rocking chair. It isn’t a necessity such as a crib, but can be a very nice, well used piece of furniture. Rocking chairs often work well to soothe the colicky or fussy infant. They also come in handy for nursing your new babe as well. Any time that you spend cuddling your baby is a definite plus to your bonding, so a rocking chair comes in handy for that purpose as well.

Many parents also choose to purchase a changing table for their baby nursery as well. Changing tables are nice to have, but like the rocking chair, are not really considered a necessity. I myself found it just as easy to change my babies in their crib, and oftentimes in the case of infants, the crib mattress puts them up higher, creating less strain on your back as you change and dress the baby. If you really want a changing table, try putting it on your baby registry first, and then if no one purchases one for you, and if it fits in your budget, go make the purchase yourself. Using a baby registry can help ensure that you get the items you want and need at your baby shower, saving you a lot of money in the long run.

You have a responsibility as a parent to make certain that every item that goes into your baby nursery is safe and secure for the baby. Your baby’s safety should be at the top of the list, above theme, matching, money, etc. You want your baby nursery to be a safe place for your baby to sleep and play, and making certain that every item is safe is the best way to ensure that.

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