Tips for Garage, Thrift, and Rummage Sales

Garage, thrift or rummage sales are a great way to get a hold of some good bargains. You can find many things you need at these types of sales. But you must be careful because there can be many items you don’t need that ask a wonderfully low price, and you buy them even though you don’t need them.

A good rule of thumb is to tell yourself it is ok to go to these sales and walk away from them without buying anything. Don’t feel you need to purchase something at these sales. It is ok to walk away with nothing in your hands. Garage, thrift and rummage sales are designed for people to get rid of stuff they no longer need or want. They are selling it because they want to get rid of these items so many times you really don’t want it either. But still you can find some things that you need or want at these sales.

When you go to garage, thrift or rummage sales make sure you go early. The earlier you get to the sale the better because that is the time to get the best bargains. Go early so you can get a look at the sale before other people have had the opportunity to get there. The later you go to the sale the more chance other people have had to buy the good items. If you wait to go too late then all the good items will be sold.

Some garage, thrift or rummage sales offer the items at half price on the last day of the sale. So many times the last day of a sale can be a good time to go. If the sellers are not offering the items at half price then you can ask for a lower price and see if the sellers accept your price offer. You have a better chance of having your offer accepted if the sale is on it’s last day.

It is a good idea to plan your route before you go on your garage, thrift or rummage sale adventure. Look in the paper to see where all the sales are and then choose a route to go on. Try to get to the best sale first and then work from there. The best sale is the one that advertises the items that you are interested in.

Take cash with you when you go to garage, thrift or rummage sales. Many people do not like or will not take a check and you can use a credit card so make sure you take cash in small bills.

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