Tips for Getting Better Gas Mileage

Gas prices just seem to be climbing higher and higher each day. They occasionally go down for a bit, only to shoot up even higher a few weeks later. Is filling your tank breaking your budget? Do you live where public transportation is just not available or feasible for you? In this case, you need to find ways to get better gas mileage.

Saving money by taking the bus or train isn’t an option for some of us, so we have to find ways to lower the impact of the punch at the pump. Short of buying a hybrid, which is not an option for some of us, there are a few other things you can do. It may not save you big bucks, but it can help you get better gas mileage, and lower the amount you spend on gas in the long run.

Lowest Price

One obvious way to save money on a tank of gas is to find the station near you with the lowest prices. Short of calling every station nearby, how do you find the best price? Try You can search your town by state and county. The only draw back of is that they do not have a full listing if there is no one in your town reporting prices.

Slow Down!

While it’s a sad realization for a lead-foot like myself, speeding along the highway burns more gas. Fifty-five to sixty miles per hour gets you better gas mileage than going seventy. It might also save you from a speeding ticket.

What Kind Are You Buying, Anyway?

Many people will opt for the highest-octane gas, thinking it is better for their car or truck. Unless your vehicle specifically calls for the higher priced gas, skip it. It’s a waste of money. Most cars and trucks run just as well on the lowest priced gas. Check with your cars owner’s manual or your dealership if you aren’t sure.

If you start filling up with the lower priced gas and your engine starts to act funny, you may require a higher octane. Keep an ear on things when you first move down to the lower price. Saving money on gas won’t help if you damage your engine.

Air Pressure

Have you checked the pressure on your tires lately? You should keep your tires at the specific pressure they were designed for at all times. This will help with gas mileage. Tires that are too soft will require more power to move your car along properly.

Don’t Idle Too Long

When you start your car on a cold morning, you don’t need to let it run forever to get the engine warmed up. For most cars and trucks, it only takes a minute or two. Along the same lines, if you are running into the store for just one thing, turn your car off, even if you think you’ll be right back. You can’t predict how fast you will get out of the store, and each minute your car idles, the more gas you burn. You’ll save by shutting it off and restarting.

Ditch The Gear

Are you carrying around a set of golf clubs, two tents, a box of books, and a huge toolbox you aren’t planning on using anytime soon? Get them out of your trunk. Extra weight in your vehicle will require more gas to move you along. If you don’t need it where you are going, don’t take it. You’ll get better gas mileage if you only take the things you need, like a jack, spare tire, and gas can.


Another trick to better gas mileage is to keep your car in good working order. Don’t skimp on the tune-ups and keep your air filter clean. You should also make sure you keep your oil changed as recommended. The more efficiently your engine runs, the better the gas mileage you will get.

Ditch the SUV

I don’t mean get rid of it, just park it when you can. If you have two cars, opt for the one with the best gas mileage.

Public Transport and Human Power

If you have a bike, ride it! I realize this isn’t feasible for everyone. It is a great way to save on gas, and is great exercise as well. If you wear heels to the office each day, or you have a long commute, a bike ride to work probably isn’t an option. That doesn’t mean you can’t get it out for a quick trip to the store or a visit with a friend a few blocks away.

Public transportation definitely has its downsides, but if gas prices are killing your budget, you should consider it. You should consider carpooling with coworkers if that option is available.

Final Thoughts

Each of these tips will save you a little. Add them up, and you’ll save more. Short of working from home, having your groceries delivered, and never leaving the house, you may have to resign yourself to paying a little more right now. The very best tip for getting the best gas mileage is to simply drive less.

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