Tips for Going into a Staffing Agency

1. Bring a resume’ – Staffing agencies, predominately, have processes in which you fill out a type of job application to find out what you are looking for. Sometimes these processes can be avoided by bringing in a resume’ which already has the information they need. On top of this bringing a resume’ shows initiative that you are really looking for work and they can pass this off to potential employers. A resume’ looks nicer to employers than just word of mouth from the staffing agency as they can look at what you have done and what you are capable of doing.
2. Dress nice – this goes along with the adage of first impressions are important. If a staffing agency sees a willing person who is dressed and groomed nicely they will be more likely to pass you onto an employer. Many times employers have dress codes, as well, so by dressing nice it shows the staffing agency that you can follow their rules.
3. Give all the information you have – The staffing agency generally has forms which you fill out stating what experience you have. Even if you have limited experience doing something put it down. Do not lie but anything, no matter how small, is important to potential employers. Also the more that you have done professionally will show the potential employer that you have the ability to learn.
4. Communicate – Tell the staffing agency what it is exactly you are looking for. If it is more general than state what you are willing to do and not do. Many times the forms have just the general information on you and your experience. If you have more that you believe will help you find employment let them know. The staffing agency is there to help as they make a profit on every worker from the employers so they want you to get hired as it is profitable for them.
5. Have references – Even if you do not have a resume’ references are a great tool for employers to see what kind of employee you would be. If they have positive feedback from a reference they will be more likely to hire rather than if they had no basis for what kind of employee you would be. A good reference is a great thing to have when going to a staffing agency.
6. Be personable – this goes along with dressing nice as the staffing agency is the go-between you and your potential employee. If they are impressed by you they will have nice things to say to the employer. The better you come off to the staffing agency the better you will come off to the potential employer.