Tips for Having a Safe and Fun Camping Experiance

1. For bug repellent try citronella candles and Avon “Skin So Soft” instead of toxic chemical insect repellents.
2. Wear long sleeves and long pants at dawn and dusk when insects are most active.
3. Stay on trails to protect habitat and avoid snake encounters. Snakes sense vibrations, so walking with a buddy or a group is not only wise, it will announce your presence to snakes who just want to avoid encountering YOU!
4. Invest in a good sleeping pad, or at the least, put an exercise mat under your sleeping bag.
5. Block ice lasts longer than bagged ice. Make your own at home by filling milk jugs or water bottles. The less you open the cooler, the longer the ice will last.
6. Never hang lanterns on trees because the heat can cause serious harm.
7. Pack a small plastic bucket for dish washing and never use the bathhouse sink for this task.
8. Hungry critters can be very clever and destructive. Keep food locked in vehicles or tied up in trees.
9. Freeze chili, soups and stews in zip lock bags, then heat them after they thaw. The frozen bags help keep ice from melting in the cooler. Rice and pasta can also be cooked ahead of time and reheated on a camp stove.
10. Pita pockets keep their shape better than loaf bread.
11. Disposable water bottles make great dispensers for salad dressings and sauces.
12. Laundry lint makes good fire tender, and smaller fires affect air quality less than raging bonfires. Completely extinguish the fire before you go to bed or leave the campsite.
13. Encourage children to keep a sketch journal filled with drawings of things they find. Journals make wonderful keepsakes.
14. Teach children to respect nature by not picking flowers or leaving trash on trails.
Don’t forget a first aid kit with tweezers, band-aids, moleskin (for blistered feet) and aspirin.
Remember, the most important part of camping is having fun and enjoying your camping experience.
You can find more camping tips at