Tips for Picking the Right Contractor for Home Improvement

Millions of people each year decide to make small or sometimes major home improvements to their home. Many of these individuals will be doing these improvements themselves however should you choose to seek out a contractor to make the desired improvements make sure you choose the one that will do the best possible job for you.

Before you even begin looking for a contractor you will want to decide exactly what improvements you want done to your home. By figuring out what jobs you want completed you will be able to research the types of materials that will be needed, if you decide on certain fixtures or a specific paint color be sure to make that clear to the contractor. Putting the work you would like to be done down in writing would be an excellent idea as well.

After you have a clear idea of what home improvements you would like done get some recommendations for contractors. Talk with friends, family, and co-workers whoever may have just had or is having home improvements done to their home. Are they happy with the quality of the work? Was the price and the time taken to complete the project up to their satisfaction? Check in with local hardware stores to get their opinions about which contractors they would be happy to recommend. After you have collected a list of several possibilities contact the Better Business Bureau to see if they have had any complaints filed against them. Also make sure to find out if they are licensed in your state, while this does not guarantee of professionalism it may give you more clout should any problems in dealing with the contractor arise.

Then after thoroughly researching your chosen contractors begin calling them. Will the time frame for your project fit into their time schedule? Are they covered by liability insurance? Could they provide you with references of home owners who are satisfied customers? After speaking with them you should hopefully be able to narrow your choices down to three.

Schedule in person meetings with each of the final three contractors so you can further discuss the improvements to be made to the house, your desired specifications, and your available budget for the project. Get written estimates from each contractor detailing the specific supplies to be used, labor prices and the time frame in which the project can be completed. After receiving the estimates take the time to carefully compare each of them. Is there a big difference in the estimated projection completion time and project cost? Although the lowest price might seem like the best way to go some contractors the quote smaller prices cut corners and do less then quality work.

Don’t let anyone rush you into signing any contracts too quickly. By being well informed, taking the time to completely research your home improvement options, and getting other opinions if necessary you will be able to confidently choose the contractor that will do the best possible job for you.

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