Tips for Removing Crayon from Walls

All parents love it when their children color them a picture but they are less than thrilled when they color that lovely picture on the wall. What can you do when your little Picasso decides to use your dining room wall as their canvas? Here are some great tips for getting crayon marks off of your wall.

Before you get started though make sure to spot test your wall paint or wallpaper to make sure you will not do more damage to the wall while trying to clean up the crayon marks.

Baby Oil

You simply cover the crayon marks with a thin layer of baby oil and then using a dry, soft cloth wipe off the baby oil. The crayon marks should wipe off with the baby oil.

Baby Wipes

You can use the baby wipes directly on the wall.

Baking Soda

Baking soda is great for everything right? To use baking soda to remove crayon marks from the wall first dip a wash cloth in hot, soapy water and ring it out. Next, dip the wet wash cloth into a little bit of baking soda, then lightly rub the crayon marks. The crayon marks should disappear.

Hair Dryer

You can use a hair dryer to apply heat to the crayon marks. Once the hair dryer has heated up the crayon marks you can wipe them off with a hot, soapy wash cloth.

Hair Spray

To remove crayon marks with hair spray, simply spray the crayon marks generously with the hair spray and wipe away with a dry wash cloth.

Rubbing Alcohol

Saturate a soft wash cloth with a bit of rubbing alcohol and then gently rub the crayon marks.

Shaving Cream

Apply shaving cream directly to the crayon marks, and allow it to sit on crayon marks for up to five minutes. Using a soft, dry cloth wipe the shaving cream from the wall and the crayon marks should come off.


In order to remove the crayon with toothpaste you will need the good old paste type, not the gel, the gel does not have the same effect. To remove the crayon scrub the wall with toothpaste and a dry sponge, allow the toothpaste to sit for five minutes, and then remove with a damp wash cloth.

White Vinegar

Like baking soda it seems as if white vinegar can be used for cleaning up just about anything so why should crayon marks be any different? You can use a toothbrush or a soft cloth to apply white vinegar to scrub the crayon marks.

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