Tips for Reusing Everything from Grocery Bags to Toilet Paper Tubes

Many of us find ourselves complaining that we don’t have enough money, or are broke until payday. One sure way to remedy this is to stop throwing away things that have another use, and things that can be reused again, rather than filed in the trash can.
Some ideas of things to save and reuse are:
Plastic grocery bags make excellent small trash can bags and are great to take with you for cloth diaper and/or accidents for babies and toddlers.
Paper grocery bags are a cheap way to cover school books, and are wonderful to mail books in that are sold on Ebay.
Ziplock bags can be washed and reused over and over again.
Toilet paper rollers make great craft items.
Good heavy foil can be washed and reused time and time again.
Worn out clothes can be used as rags or saved for quilt squares.
Newspaper is great for cleaning windows and mirrors. You can also use newspaper if you have indoor pets.
Leftovers: Stop throwing them out. If you don’t want them the next meal, freeze what is left after a meal. Use on those days you don’t feel like cooking, or make a soup or stew.
Boxes make great storage containers, mailers, and play towns for the children.
Plastic milk jugs can be used to store water in for sudden power outages, water for plants, etc.
Small plastic water or soda bottles are great for freezing water in and taking with you on a shopping trip. This saves a lot of drink purchases while you are out.
Old mouse pads can be cut into sections to make coasters.
These are only a few ideas that can help you reuse and reduce waste, plus save you money at the same time. In implementing these and other ideas, you can also make a difference for the environment, by reducing the trash in landfills.