Tips for Rutgers Students Apartment Hunting in NJ

As someone who is currently in the process of finding a new apartment, I know how hard it can be to find exactly the right place, especially if you are a busy student. Here’s my list of the top 3 resources for Rutgers students looking to find the perfect new place to live. Don’t hesitate, the best places will be gone before you know it.

3. is great outlet if you want to find a broad array of housing, not only right around campus, but in the neighboring towns. It is especially great for the graduate student who wants to get away from the noise of New Brunswick. This is also the place to go if price range is not an obstacle, as features alot more high end rentals and, also, houses. The interface on their site is simple and easy to use. You can personalize your search to include even the most specific of immenities. Do you only want to rent in a space that has hardwood floors, a sauna and dogs under twenty five pounds? Tthen is the place for you. It is also geared for the single renter more so than a group of friends, as many of the posts that surfaced, when I tried this site out, were in large apartment buildings, perfect for one room seekers who need alot of quiet study time. There also seems to be a large number of pictures of the rentals included with each search, which is something that the other two outlets on this list unfortunately lack.

2. is an up and coming new site that I am sure most people already use, or, at the very least, have heard of. You can pretty much do anything on craigslist, from finding a date to adopting a dog, obtaining a free organ or searching for apartments. There really isn’t anything you can’t do on craigslist, which is why it is such a great resource. Just go to the homepage and pick the area that you are in, for the purposes of this article you would select New Jersey. Then you just go to the rental section and start to search. There aren’t too many parameters that you can set, which is a bit of detractor. You can pretty much only select the minumum and maximum rent desired and whether or not you have pets, but the number of quality listings that you’ll find make up for any shortcomings. This resource is especially nice for any undergraduates looking to rent in the downtown New Brunswick area as well as Lvingston and Bush students who might want to find a place closer to Piscataway. Unfortunately, there aren’t too many pictures that accompany these listings, but you can usually talk directly to the landlord and schedule a viewing right away.

1. The Official Rutgers Off-Campus Housing Service

This site is the ultimate undergraduate and graduate tool for apartment hunting. It is run by Rutgers University and it is the legit source for any student, regardless of age, year, prefrences, pets, or anything else, looking for the perfect place to live. The resource offers enough parameters to narrow your search (not as much as and alot more than craigslist, a nice happy medium), and the quality and quantity of the results can not be beat. Just go the site that I listed below and click on Search Ads to get started. This is also the premier site for anyone single renters looking for a room to rent or for groups who need one or two more to fill out a house. So if you find the perfect place and there’s still an empty room, don’t fret. Just get on RU Off Campus and find the right guy or gal to fill that spot. This is the ultimate site, so listings come and go very fast. Don’t hesitate. Check our this awesome site right away and good luck.

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