Tips for Spring Cleaning


Well, the time is here. The birds are chirping, the sun has elected to grace us with her presence, and our homes are screaming to let out the winter blahs. There is no procrastinating any longer- spring cleaning season has arrived.

There task of spring cleaning one’s house can be daunting, scary and even downright painful to some. What can make it more challenging is for those that work full time, have children, pets, or just hate the task of cleaning! Don’t fret, if you follow a few simple steps, you can make the process painless, or at least, keep the pain to a minimum.

1. Focus On One Room At A Time.

This keeps the job from becoming too overwhelming. Don’t think about doing the whole house; let’s say for today, this morning, you will just do the living room. Then, come afternoon, perhaps you can move on to the dining room. Narrowing your though process down will help ease some stress off your mind.

2. Clean From Top To Bottom.

Start with the top of the room, and work your way down. Dust for cobwebs at the ceiling, clean any ceiling fan or light fixtures, and wash walls.

Supplies you will need to keep handy:
~dusting spray
~bucket of soapy water
~floor cleaner
~air fresheners
~cleaning rags

In addition, for the kitchen and bath, you may require:
~ Comet or its equivalent
~tile cleaner
~anti bacterial cleaner

Green cleaners are also available that mimic all the cleaner types we are used to. If you are able, purchase those instead of harsh chemical cleaners. Or, do some research into making your own. A little bit of vinegar, lemons and orange peels go a long way for cleaning! And, they fruits smell good in the process!

Work your way down to the floors, and do those last. Clean yourself right out of the room! If your room needs painted, this is a great time to paint. The windows can be opened to air out the “paint” smell, and the fresh paint will liven your spirit.

This is also a great time to check light bulbs in your home. Replacing them with energy efficient light bulbs is a great way to cut energy costs for yourself, and do something for the environment as well.

3. Keep A Donate Box Handy.

If you come across items you don’t like, don’t use and have no idea why you have them in the first place, put them in a box marked for donations or garage sale. By clearing the clutter, you will clear your mind as well. A cluttered home is often one of the biggest stress points for women, yet they just don’t know how to overcome it. Bite the bullet, and free yourself of clutter this spring!

By donating the items, you can remove them from your home immediately. If you want to have a garage sale, and make a little extra cash, move the boxes into the garage, into an area designated for garage sale items.

4. Don’t Be Afraid To Move Furniture Around.

You’ll need to clean under them anyhow, so about seeing how it looks in different areas? By giving your home a new look, you are providing yourself with a new outlook. The effect this has on our minds is tremendous, and many experts recommend moving things around once a year to help us stay energized and focused.

By focusing on one room at a time, completing that room from top to bottom before moving on, you will remain focused on the task at hand, and in turn, be more likely to actually DO the task at hand. It might be daunting at first, but they way you will feel afterwards is more than worth suffering through the process.

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