Tips for Staying Warm While Cutting Heating Costs

Everyone is trying to save money on heating costs during the winter months. By doing so, it seems we are always looking to find new ways to keep warm indoors. By following the suggestions below, you may sometimes look like Ma (or Pa) Kettle, but who cares? You will like seeing the energy cost savings. Here are some suggestions that have worked for me throughout the years:

Wear heavy socks.

If you do not have any in your dresser drawer, yet, go buy some. You can find some good ones in the outdoor section of most department stores.

Wear a knit cap.

This is especially helpful when trying to sleep near a window area. By keeping your head warm, you will preserve a lot of your body heat.

Wear sweat suits.

Of course, the colder the weather, the thicker the sweat suit should be. Yes, you can buy sweats in various thicknesses. (Why do you think there is a difference in prices?)

Wear thick foot covering.

If you do not have thick socks, buy some booties or slippers.

If you are lucky, you may find a crafter who knits foot booties around the holiday season. These are great. Sometimes it will be so cold, you will want to wear both your thick socks and slippers.

Wear a long-length robe.

From terrycloth to fleece, there are a variety of materials available. All can keep you warm while you are lowering your energy costs.

Wear flannel pajamas.

Be certain they are not too baggy, though. The baggier they are, the more cold air can get against your skin. Bummer.

Wear long johns.

In addition to being great under ‘regular’ clothing, these make wonderful sleeping garb.

Wear gloves.

Obviously, this applies only when it is so cold your hands are turning blue. (Unless you are a piano player and need to keep them warm for performing.)

Wear your outdoor jacket.

Yes, that will come in handy indoors. Wear this and you will not even know it is cold inside. That is unless you feel your nose go numb.

Wear earmuffs.

It would have to awfully cold for you to need earmuffs, but they are good for keeping your ears warm. Besides, we are covering all bases here.

Use flannel sheets.

These are unbelievably warm and will have you smiling!

Use a comforter(s).

Even though down is superb for warmth, I think of the poor fowl that sacrificed their lives to the comforter manufacturer. There also is other material used for making comforters, check around to find what suits you.

Have extra blankets on hand.

You can never have too many blankets during the cold winter months.

Have a quilt or two on hand.

Same as the blankets. Plus, there is something rather homey and appealing about a quilt.

Have a knitted afghan ready.

Now is the time of year you can pick these up at holiday crafts fairs, or receive them as a gift. They can help make you toasty while lowering your energy costs.

Drink warm beverages.

This keeps your innards warm and will provide a feeling of overall warmth.

Enjoy a bowl of soup.

This is another way to warm the innards. Soup has a way of making us feel good, no matter what flavor or type it is. It is even better when you can make your own pot of soup.

There you have it. Try some of the above recommendations while you cut down on your heating and energy costs. You can probably think of your own methods to keep warm, also. Good luck and stay warm!

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