Tips for Taking Better Street Photographs

Always use a light meter to test the amount of light. Once you have determined the shutter and film speeds you are ready to start photographing. Getting the shutter speed right is especially important when taking street photographs. If you shutter speed is too fast you may end up with a dark photo, if it is too slow you photographs may be too light. It is essential to use both the shadows and the highlights to create beautiful photographs.
Can you plan a street photograph? Since life happens spontaneously, photography happens spontaneously. Life only happens one time and you only get one chance to catch it. On the street it is more likely that the unpredictable will occur so you have to anticipate what is happening all around you.
Look down the street and see if anything is coming that might be substantial, like a clothes rack in the middle of a busy intersection. Watch crowds that gather on street corners because they are filled with action. Look for a goodbye, a kiss or hug, or people holding hands. Photographs are made up of life but it remains invisible to most people. Think of your camera as a tool for capturing life we cannot see.
The key to taking great street photographs is to make your self invisible. As you take pictures make sure that you are comfortable and use non threatening body language. If you make yourself as much as possible a part of the surroundings, people will barely notice you at all. Be a part of the scene instead of taking pictures from the outside. Once you master the art of becoming part of the environment you will be able to take pictures of people and they won’t even notice.
If you want to take better street photographs combine unlikely elements. Take pictures of hats and hairdo’s that stand out. Try mixing bright colors with shadows. Notice how people are walking and talking, their body language, and their gestures. When practicing street photography you should follow your instinct. If something catches your eye follow it and find the focus. In other words find the meaning of the photograph. What are the people saying to you? What is it that you want to convey through the photograph?
Always anticipate the future. Use the example of people gathering on street corners. You know this is a fragile moment in time when such a large group of people are gathered together, so it is important to recognize what is happening. When the light changes the moment will have gone and a new one arrived. Look through your camera lens and find the focus, then you will have a great photograph.
Photography is the art of capturing life. Photography has no language and speaks to all people. The camera puts a frame around existence capturing precious moments. The frame is your focus. Remember to be open-minded because the street allows you many chances to take great photographs over and over again.