Tips for Threading a Sewing Machine

Mindful that some of my readers may be real beginners and not wishing to offend those with considerable skills. I introduce the sewing machine, which must be in good working order. Pick a machine that will allow you to handle average and fairly heavy fabrics. Small portable machines should be avoided. Select a machine of a reasonable weight before you make your final choice. It is important that you check with your sewing machine manual that you have threaded your machine correctly. Usually, most machines thread in the same way, normally following this path:
1. The reel of thread is positioned on the pin at the top of the machine.
2. The thread is brought down through the upper tension unit which houses the tension discs. In older machines, you will find the tension unit on the face of the machine and on the more modern machines, it is usually concealed above the needle assembly area.
3. Then up into the take-up lever.
4. And then down to the noodle through the thread guides (refer to manual).
Check with the manual regarding the placement of your machine needle:
1. The flat side of the needle must be correctly positioned and then inserted into the clamp, making absolutely sure it is as far as possible (failure to position the needle correctly may cause major problems).
2. Finally, make sure the clamp screw is securely tightened.
Be sure that you have filled your bobbin with sufficient thread of the same type and thickness as on the reel and that you insert the bobbin into the bobbin case correctly. Again, check this with the instruction manual.
It is important that the construction of the stitch is correct. A perfect stitch will have the threads locked between the two layers of fabric with no loops on top or bottom. It will thus look the same on both sides. If this is not the case, check the tension.