Tips for Treating Laryngitis

Avoid Talking – Not speaking for one or two days is challenging. This is especially true if you work in a field that requires constant communication, or if you are a parent. Still, the best way to quickly restore your speaking voice entails resting your voice. If possible, refrain from speaking for at least 24 hours – longer if necessary. Stopping all verbal communication is practically impossible. However, talking can cause further damage and prolong healing
Drink Plenty of Water – Even though eight glasses of lukewarm water a day has been proven to quickly repair damaged vocal cords, you may also take advantage of hot liquids such as tea or coffee. Some doctors recommend adding a little lemon or honey.
Avoid Ice or Cold Drinks – When selecting liquids, stay away from ice cold drinks. The coldness can cause further damage.
Stop Smoking – If you suffer from repeated bouts of laryngitis, smoking may be the culprit. Those who smoke are more prone to throat dryness, which is a major contributing factor of laryngitis.
Use Over-the-Counter Medication – Many things result in laryngitis. This might include a night of yelling at a sporting event or concert, or breathing in dry area. If your laryngitis is likely due to allergy or sinus problems, consider over-the-counter medications. These drugs include active ingredients, which are intended to lessen throat dryness
When to Seek Medical Attention
Although laryngitis is a common condition, chronic or persistent laryngitis is not normal. Allergies may be the culprit. Still, it is wise to have the condition examined by a doctor because laryngitis is an early sign of other illnesses, including throat cancer which is potentially life threatening. Contact physicians if the following occurs:
� Inability to swallow saliva
� Laryngitis that persist for longer than two weeks
� Coughing up blood
� Hearing noises in throat
Other conditions that can damage larynx and cause laryngitis:
� Chronic reflux laryngitis
� Ulcers or growths on the vocal chords
� Dysphonia
� Vocal cord paralysis
� Laryngeal cancer