Tips for Using Fusible Interfacing

Back in the old days a person making a new blouse or dress was faced with putting interfacing in certain areas. The interfacing had to be cut to the proper size, aligned and pinned, then sewn once before adding the next piece to cover it. It meant extra steps and sometimes, frustration.

Now you can purchase fusible interfacing to help with certain sewing projects. The interfacing is meant to make a permanent bond with the fabric. Because of this, it’s important to get it right the first time, since after you’ve set the fusible interfacing, there’s no undoing it.

Set your iron on a wool and steam setting. Irons vary so if the interfacing doesn’t completely adhere, set the iron higher, and try again. Then, set the iron at the higher temperature the next time you use fusible interfacing.

Align the fabric with the interfacing and use downward pressure for about fifteen seconds. If the iron doesn’t cover the entire piece, lift and press down, in another area, for an additional fifteen seconds. Do not slide the iron back and forth on the piece. Instead, lift and press, pushing down on the fabric and interfacing.

If the fabric you are working with is delicate, and can’t take ironing, use a press cloth to cover the material while ironing. A press cloth is just a piece of fabric that can be used to prevent the delicate fabric from scorching. Simply lay the press cloth over the fabric and interfacing, then press, lift, press. Use a spray bottle and slightly dampen the press cloth to get the best results. Do not wet the cloth, though.

Remove the press cloth and allow the fabric and interfacing to cool completely, according to instructions on the interfacing. If the interfacing is still not completely attached, turn the iron up slightly and try once again.

The interfacing meshes with the fabric and cannot be peeled away, reset, or removed. It is permanent. For that reason, some people prefer to test a small piece of fabric with a small piece of interfacing, to make sure they will get the results they want. The fusible interfacing generally turns out nicely but some fabrics may wrinkle when attaching the interfacing. Testing a small piece is a good idea to prevent damaging the entire outfit or having to cut new pieces.

Fusible interfacing can be found in most any sewing department or fabric store. There are different thicknesses for various projects. If you’re unsure about the type to buy, ask for assistance. After trying the fusible interfacing a time or two, you’ll become an old pro.

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