Tips for Writing Content for Your Web site

So the reason you’re writing content for your web business site is because you love your product or service so much that everything related to it is your passion. And you don’t have the money to pay someone to do it for you.

You’re also writing because a search engine is going to rank your site based on the amount of content you have on your site that is related to the keywords you submitted. The more you have written about Islamic history in the US, the higher up your search ranking will be, and the more likely someone who was searching for info about Islamic history in the US will be to click your url.

So you have to write what you love, because you’ll be writing about it a lot. Research. Find interesting little-known bits of info. Add on sections about this or that person who invented this or that item. I’m sure you can think of hundreds of topics about each of your products and services.

What does this do? It gets the first click in a cascading sequence of clicks that will eventually end in the “BUY NOW” click, which is your coveted result. You haven’t even made an effort to sell anything at all, but by making your site the primary source of content about your product, you have a person who will bookmark your site. She will re-visit you again and again, and will eventually buy because he trusts your information and your authority.


Need an example? Go to There is very little sales pitch, just items listed for sale. But because amazon is chock full of items that relate to the keyword you searched for (“books about dinosaurs”), Amazon will always get the click, and most of the time, makes the sale.

You can do better than Amazon, though, if you sell dinosaur bones, for example. Write content that interests visitors and keeps them reading. Write critiques and editorials about books you’ve read about dinosaurs. Link to sites that are non-competitive, but relate to your topic. Get an expert, like your best friend’s daughter’s archaeology professor, to write an article about what he thinks of this or that theory. You’ll get amazing results because you have become one of the authorities on dinosaurs, while Amazon is just selling books. You’ll get the click, the interested visitor, and sooner or later, the sale.

Doesn’t that sound easy? No? Have you tried? Take the first step. Choose an item from your product list. Don’t write an ad for it. Write down everything you can think of relating to it that customers will be interested in knowing. If you sell a service, write down all the topics that your service encompasses. Write articles pertaining to those topics. Upload them and link them to your site. As the search engines spiders crawl the Web, they’ll be dazzled by your jewel of information about this or that item or service and take it back to the indexes. Up go your search engine rankings. Up go your visitors. Up go your sales.

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