Tips for a Green Holiday Season: Christmas Trees

Consumers are finding it more and more easy to stay green even during Christmas. While many consumers believe staying green means either giving up a real Christmas tree for an artificial or tossing the idea of a tree out all together, these thoughts could not be farther from the truth. Staying green at Christmas is all about usage and re usage.
If you are trying to remain true to the Earth this holiday season, why not choose a potted Christmas tree. Potted Christmas trees retain all roots and are easily planted back into the ground after the celebrations are over. While this is a great green Christmas tree choice, these potted trees do not normally fair well indoors. The consumer can either choose to keep the tree outdoors until the big day or move the entire Christmas celebration into the fresh cool air of winter.
For the consumers who wish to have a Christmas tree indoors for the entire season, rooted Christmas trees are available from a growing number of tree retailers. A rooted Christmas tree will keep all of the tree roots in tact. The consumer will need to care for the roots as well as the tree until the season has passed, at which time, in a green fashion, the tree will be replanted back into the Earth to await next years Christmas celebrations.
If potted trees and tree with roots are not the kind of green you had in mind, recycling your real Christmas tree is an effective way to keep Christmas eco-friendly. Our Earth friends at, are available to located a tree recycling station in your neighborhood. These stations will take your tree and recycle the remains for further use.
Recycling a real Christmas tree can be accomplished at home, as well. Instead of disposing of the tree after Christmas on the curb, the tree can be chipped and used for mulch. Chippers can be rented from local businesses and are easy to use. Just cut the trees into small parts and feed into the machine. Your Christmas tree will go from trash to mulch in seconds.
A green Christmas does not have to involve a real Christmas tree. In fact, artificial trees are the greenest choice of all. Consumers choosing an artificial tree will reuse the same tree for many years, saving both money and a real tree. (Consumers should note that real cut Christmas trees are grown on farms for the sole purpose of being a Christmas tree. No forest growth is cut for the holiday celebration!)
Celebrating a green Christmas does not have to mean losing the Christmas tree all together. From mulching to potting, replanting to choosing artificial, there are many choices for the Earth friendly home.
This holiday season, think green and recycle that tree.