Tips for the Working Mom Turned Stay at Home Mom

Whether you are a first time mother or a seasoned veteran of motherhood, the changes you will encounter going from being a working mom to a stay at home mom will be substantial and at times overwhelming. Prior to giving birth to my first child I decided that I would take some time off from my professional career to stay at home with my baby for the first year. It is now 14 months later and I am fortunate enough to still be at home with my son. I can’t express how wonderful it is to be able to spend each full day with him and see all of the fascinating changes that occur in the process. However, it was quite an adjustment going from a full time career on the outside to a full time career on the inside. Here are some tips for keeping the sanityâÂ?¦

1. SOCIALIZE – I know that during the first couple of months, hanging out with other moms was the last thing on my mind. I was up to my eyeballs in diapers, breastfeeding, etc. and felt a bit overwhelmed. However, once that initial stage passed, I was feeling that my vocabulary was being minimized to goo goos and ga gas and knew that something had to give. It is really important to try to get out there and meet other moms. Even if you don’t socialize with other moms and want to go out alone at night with some girlfriendsâÂ?¦do it. It is so important to keep some semblance of yourself.

2. GET DRESSED – I’m not saying that you should get all dolled up in a formal gown every day but fix yourself up a little and put on some lipstick, even if your child is the only one that sees you all day. There is just something about looking frumpy that makes you feel that way. This way, even if you are not leaving the house everyday for a 9-5 job, you still feel like you can leave the house without frightening the neighbors.

3. STAY INFORMED – Whether you enjoy reading the morning paper or watching the news on television, it is important to stay up to date on current events. In the past, when you were working outside of the home, current events were always right there in your face. They were the topic of discussion at the water cooler, so to speak. Try to stay informed.

4. GET OUT OF THE HOUSE – Pack up your little one and get the heck out of the house. Whether you are going shopping or taking a trip to your local coffeehouse, try to make daily trips out of the home. This is beneficial not only for your own sanity to be around other living, breathing adult human beings but for the sake of your child as well. Babies and small children love to people watch. They will enjoy the outing and so will you.

These tips may not seem to be anything out of the ordinary but it is often the simplest things that can be forgotten. Try to remember to do these four little things while being a “stay at home” mom and enjoy all of the wonderful memories you and your children are making together.

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