Tips on How to Ask a Woman for a Date

Trying to ask a woman for a date is something many men fear worse than a visit to the proctologist. But here are a few tips on how to ask a woman for a date or at least a number.
Many men say they hate that they still have to make the first move. My advice is get over it. Even though women claim to liberated they like their privileges, and one of those is being the one’s who get asked out on a date. The key to preparing to ask a woman for a date is developing a hard shell. Rejection is something you are going to face, so get used to hearing the word no. One of my old journalism professors said that all reporters should spend a few weeks being door-to-door salesmen. That way they get used to hearing the word no, I use that some theory in asking for a date.
Unless you look like Brad Pitt or have Bill Gates’ money, I estimate at least half of the women you ask for a date are going to say no. In many cases a no is not final, some women want men to work hard to get a date. Others are just not interested. My rule is if you ask for a date three times and she says no three times, move on. Noone is that busy. One aspects that complicates the dating process is the fact that many women have a hard time telling a man no. A lot of times they will use excuses like, “I am busy” or “I don’t give out my number.” These are politically correct ways of saying, “I don’t like you.” Most women are not that blunt, so they will throw these obstacles in front of a potential dater and hope he gets the hint.
My advice is ask as for as many dates as possible. If you ask 100 women for a date, about 70 will say no, but that leaves you with at least 30 potential dates. The mistake many men make is they focus all of their attention on dating one woman, and when she says no they are crushed. You need to have back up dates, the same way high school seniors have second and third choice colleges.
I favor the straightforward approach to asking for a date. If you see a woman you like walk up to her and stick out you hand and say, “Hi my name is âÂ?¦” Unless she is extremely rude she is going to reply and at least that way you know her name. The key to figure out quickly if she is single. Check for wedding rings, although that does not mean much these days. A good question to figure out if she is dateable is to say something like, “How does your boyfriend feel about that?” Her answer should tell you whether she is single or not.
Women love compliments, especially about their appearance, however attractive women get bored with guys who compliment them on their looks. The compromise is to compliment them on their hair or their clothes. You can say something like “That is a great outfit you are wearing. Where did you get it, I need to get something for my sister’s birthday.”
If you are in a coffee shop and you see an attractive woman reading a magazine or a book. Ask her a question about the cover story or about the book she is reading. Those are great ways to break the ice. Another ice breaker in a club is to ask a woman what kind of beverage she is drinking. More often than not it’s going to be a complicated concoction, but it should give you an opening to learn about her.
Once you have got the conversation warmed up and figured out if your potential date is single or not, you need to work towards asking her for a phone number. If you have talked for about an hour and it seems you are getting along, make sure you ask her for her number at the end of the conversation. This is a tricky situation because many women will use the excuse they don’t give out their phone number. Some of them will ask for your number and say they will call you. My advice is tell them, you only exchange numbers. More often than not women do not call men. They use this excuse to avoid coming across as the bad guy.
As I mentioned earlier many women will say no at first but be gently persistent. If she fails to give up the digits, ask her for a cell phone instead. The excuse being that cell phones cannot to be traced to an address. Try persuading her at least three times, if she says no after that politely make your exit.
Now you have several strategies to break the ice and ask for date. As I said before, if the woman acts uninterested, move on. If she doesn’t want to date you, there are plenty others who will. Remember dating is a numbers game. The more doors you knock on the more dating opportunities you create.