Tips on How to Teach Your Child Manners

Good manners are something that seems to be missing in society today, especially among young children. Just think for a moment which you would enjoy more a child who is rude and inconsiderate, or a child who is polite and displays good manners. Most of us would of course say the one with good manners. So what about your own children? Did you know that there are benefits to being will manners?

If you want your child to grow up and get into the best schools, and get a good job you can not expect them to do this without having good manners. Remember training your child must begin from infancy. You can not let your child be rude when they are little and expect them to all of a sudden learn when they are older. What about when they start dating or when they begin making friends, this will defiantly have an impact on how other people react to them.

In order for you to teach your child to display good manners you must be doing it first. If you are constantly rude to people and inconsiderate then your children will be also. Remember children follow your example, not necessarily what you say. There are certain rules of conduct that all children must follow. This is why parents make certain demands on their kids. For example telling them to keep their room clean. This might not seem like a big deal but it is an important step in learning good manners. What about carelessly throwing trash on the ground? Do you feel like this has anything to do with having good manners? Well it does. Just think for a moment do you find pleasure visiting places that have been ruined by thoughtless unmannered people?

Another thing that you will have to teach your children is to not use obscenities. If you use them then your children will also. But even if you don’t they may still pick up a few bad words from school. It is important that as soon as you hear them say something inappropriate that you correct them. Explain to them the meaning behind what they said, and why it is wrong to use that type of language. If you just tell them to not say that again without explaining why, chances are they will continue to say it.
Dinnertime is a good opportunities to display good manners.

Some young children greedily consume more than their fairs share of food. And while many people encourage their children to talk at the dinner table and share their experiences from the day, it would be improper to dominate the conversation, especially when there are other siblings at the table. And just because you are at home does not mean that your children should not follow proper table etiquette. By enforcing this at home, when you do venture out to eat they will know how to behave properly.

These are just a few suggestions from my own personal experience that may prove helpful. Of course mistakes will be made by both you and your children. But you can show them how to avoid making a bad situation worse by knowing how to apologize graciously. And do forget that good manners can also mean helping others. I have used this with my own children and it is already starting to pay off even though they are still young, I am constantly complimented on how polite and well behaved they are.

I am sure that this will gradually change over time, but I am determined to continue to train and teach them so that they will grow into fine young adults. As a parent you should want the best for your child, and by teaching them the proper way to behave is indeed giving them a good start.

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