Tips on Remodeling Your Kitchen

Your “Dream Kitchen” should be spacious, convenient, easy access to any cooking utensils, durable floor, easy to clean, energy efficient appliances, modern gadgets, modern plumbing, sufficient lightening, and easy access to counter tops. Additional space maybe required for a pantry, hallway, or an adjacent room. Kitchen ventilation system is very important to exhaust rather than re-circulate air, and operate quietly. During the renovation, health hazards could be reduced or eliminated: Remove any asbestos, lead based paints, install water filters, and purchase a fire extinguisher. Some kitchen remodeling plans will move the kitchen, to a better location in the home. Investing money to upgrade a kitchen will definitely increase the resale of your home. According to Remodeling magazine, in 2002 minor kitchen renovations average cost $14,773, and major renovations cost $43,213.

Consider before remodeling a kitchen: Cover doorways into other rooms with plastic, to avoid dust from entering into other areas of the home. Pack everything including dishes, cups, and utensils into boxes, for temporary storage. Purchase plastic cups, forks, knives and plates for easy dispose, since the kitchen may not be suitable for usage during the remodeling time. If dishes or utensils need to be used, then a bathroom sink or bathtub may serve as place to wash those items. Set up a microwave and refrigerator temporarily in another room. Good time to use restaurant coupons or order out your meals.
When choosing a plumber, electrician or contractor, check their business reputation with the Better Business Bureau, get references, and see previous work. Make sure all necessary city or county permits are obtained. Make sure these contractors or sub – contractors are insured, and licensed. A Contractor should be paid at most: One Third the cost before any work is started, and should make appoints for city building inspectors to check their work, before continuing onto a new project.

The shape or layout of the kitchen should be designed according to the efficient use of space, equipment, and how many will be using facility of the kitchen. A variety of kitchen shapes have advantages and disadvantages, depending the owner’s preference. Corridor Shape Kitchen: Uses a minimum amount of space, convenient for low traffic corridor thoroughfare, and a minimum of nine feet and five inches between cabinets required, for wheelchair access.

U – Shape Kitchen: Allows short distance between work centers, and eliminates traffic through work area, and two corner installations have more difficult access for storage. Corridor Shape Kitchen: Useful for more then one person using the kitchen, and difficult access for storage. Island or Broken U – Shape Kitchen: Minimum counter space for island is two feet and six inches by three feet. Also, space between island and stationary cabinets, should be approximate 36 to 42 inches wide. Island Space provides additional work – space for any additional shelving, optional plumbing, titled cooking center, additional electrical appliances, second dishwasher, warming oven, or small refrigerator. Multi – Level Island Kitchen: Combines food preparation, eating areas, wine racks, cookbook shelves, bar sinks, deep fryer and other amenities. Multiple Islands: Each Island is designated for a specific use, such as food preparation, or eating convenience. Portable Island provides versatility, and convenience to a kitchen with a freestanding or rolling worktable.

Finished materials are applied when remodeling a kitchen. They have a unique style, configuration, and protect the existing cabinetry from further damage. These finished materials are used for cabinets, countertops, flooring, kitchen sinks, and appliance, which can be purchased or custom built. A contractor or interior kitchen designer can provide samples and pictures, for consideration. Generally there are three finished material options: Plastic laminates, rigid thermofoils (RTF), and wood veneer. Plastic Laminates are sheets of synthetic material that is hard, smooth, resistant from scratches, available in a variety of solid colors, and wood grain looks. Rigid Thermofoil made from medium density one – piece fiberboard wood door. Covered on the front with Rigid Thermo Foil (Formica). These doors are good for applying onto the surface of cabinets, because matching material is available to adhere to cabinet faces, and sides. Wood Veener applied to cabinet surfaces by peeling off the protective adhesive, and carefully line up the veneer onto a surface. Always add an extra inch to wrap around the edge of the surface. Adding a little pressure to the center of the piece will firmly adhere to the application. Also, easy to trim back any excess veneer material.

Preparing meals takes time, and our feet appreciate a comfortable surface to stand on. Standing on tile may feel very comfortable, but during wintertime or cold climates, the tile becomes ice cold. Installing an electric floor warming will solve this problem. Easy to install, and you can program a thermostat to keep the floor warm any time of the day. ‘WarmYours’ is a floor heating system: Cost: $1000 to $1,800 a kitchen floor. Information regarding this system by sending an E-mail to: Or Writing to: WarmlyYours 1400 East Lake Cook Road, Suite 140, Buffalo Grove, Illinois 60089.
Variety of light fixtures can illuminate one or more areas of a kitchen, provide better lightening when preparing a meal, and set the mood for a romantic meal. Suggestions for convenient kitchen lightening: Placing one or two track lights over the sink, with energy – efficient compact fluorescent tubes. Installing under – cabinet task lightening, and low – voltage mini – lights over, under or inside cabinets. Dimmer controls provide range of high to low intensity lightening for casual or intimate setting. Also, dimmers extend the life of incandescent lamps and sold in a variety of controls.

When remodeling a kitchen, least expense methods to highlight cabinets: Paint the outside cabinets with splashy colors or use stencil to highlight one or more areas. Upgrade Door Knobs, and locks with a modern or classic design. Remove cabinet doors, for open look inside, and place on the shelves lace or doilies, that flap over the edge, which enhances a new design. Also, consider wall papering the inside of each cabinet.

Trend in kitchen remodeling, has turned the kitchen into the heart of the home. Place where family spends time, and entertains. The popular Food Network Channel, and other similar television programs, has encouraged many to spend more time preparing their own meals, and since many kitchen appliances have become easier to use. Appliances are purchased with “Energy Star” label. These products exceed the minimum standard for energy conservation standards by 15 to 20 percent, and save money on electricity. Some kitchen remodeling projects, kitchen walls are taken down to provide an open entrance way into the living room. Restaurant quality appliances are being equipped in modern kitchens, including easy – to – clean Cook Tops with multiple burners, griddles, dishwashers, and food warmers in drawers. Installing better kitchen lightening including recessed lightening, cabinet lightening, task lighting, and under the counter lightening fixtures with a master control panel. Kitchen appliances such as dishwasher and stove are raised four to five inches from the ground, to avoid having to bend down or prevent back problems. Consider adding child safety locks for appliances, and cabinets. Visiting Kitchen Design Centers or Home Improvement store will provide new ideas, and outline costs for remodeling or upgrade kitchen area. Bring a floor plan to discuss and review design ideas.

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